yadaydayd .. yaP yaP yap awfuL day sick sucks....cant breath .. at all eRrR
ERR funny thing tho driving sum man asked if i wanted sum soup hot guy too me n my red nose i smiled n drove on .. yayay i suCK ...BlaH
Failure is hope tunred over riight . ?
To sit n think you'll doo well in life and things might jsut perk up at any
Giving time .? is that a way to go threw it ..?
SeeMS my life stoRy in circles, and repeating itself.
People WANt to give a shit i know it ,but never gain anything frum my presance or thought half the tyme in my head ..
Wanting to please everyone and feeling soo un fuflied isnt part of "NORMAL"life as i grasp it ..
THis so called beautiful girl feels she gets uglyer by the day no mater what i try n do .. and this light that i se so bright jsut darkens- i try not to lok into words and sayings too much but i get to indepth with everything .. WEll thats just me ..
i'am only trying my best in this place -
But god help me if THIS is as GooD as it gets*
Do i confuse -do i let down- Do i make anysenCe ..? i should be content - i dotn think i will in many's eyes-but for myselF happy would be a sign fruM and angel attyme when i feel this shitty ..
im bord withmyself . lonleyness sucks- scares me at tymes- My faults strike me hardKore at strange tymes .stress is't just a phase its a lifestyle sum dayz ..
im i worthly oF most around me , why this great karma and baD luCk .were are thEse angels who seeeM to sit beside my sholdEr most of my dayz n keep me happy ..
why does tonight seem ,long and this night not long enouFF ;( night night tracy thougth BLAH !