About me.

Apr 09, 2007 12:47


Full Name: Kendra Lorrain

Birthday: 4/9/92

Birthplace: Sparrow Hospital

Eye Color: grey/blue-ish

Hair Color: Brunette. (and, yea. We do do it better than blonds...bitches!)

Height: 5'7"

Right handed or Left handed: Right

Your Heritage: 1/2 Irish, 1/4 Scottish, and everything else is random that I cannot remember.

My Worst Habit: Falling for people who won't give me the time of day.

Zodiac Sign: Aries

Shoe Size: 9.5-10. Depends on the shoe.

Innie or Outie: Innie

Parents Still Together: nope. Thank god!

The Shoes You Wore Today: Converse All Stars. (Yea, that's how I roll)

Your Weakness: OH, God. Too many to count. Probably that I have too much empathy (unless you're a whore or pissed me off)

Your Fears: getting rejected by everyone I love.

Your Perfect Pizza: Lots an lots of cheese and ham and pineapple.

Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Avoid getting further hurt.

Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger: Idk. (or) :/ <-- even though that's not a phrase...

Thoughts First Waking Up: I hope I don't get hurt today.

Your Best Physical Feature: Eyes, maybe?

Your Bedtime: 11-ish.

Your Most Missed Memory: Everything for age 1-6. Hell, I can't remember anything until I was 8-9-ish.


Favorite color: Black

Food: Chicken Fried Rice

Sport: Volleyball

Animal: Birds. They can fly away.

Ice Cream: Mint chocolate chip

Candy: Skittles

Store: Hot Topic or Spencers.

Salad Dressing: none.

Actor: Johnny Depp

Song: Poetic Tradegy - The Used

Letter: F & U

Number: 13

Gum: gum. Doesn't matter.

Holiday: Christmas.

Season: Fall

Toothpaste Flavor: vanilla mint

Radio Station: 97.5, 102.5, 105.5, 106.1, 100.7

Perfume: cotton candy, Gingerbread, Candy Apple and blueberry muffin (Thank you, Kassie!)

Scent besides perfume: Axe body spray

Body part on the opposite sex: butt/hands/eyes


What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up: Clinical Psychologist

How Do You Want To Die: In my sleep

Turn ons: idk

Turn offs: jerks, mean people.

Which One Of Your Friends Acts The Most Like You:
No one. I'm unique

Who's The Loudest: Me

Who Makes You Laugh The Most: Sarah A or Mara. Max a little

Who Have You Known The Longest: Megan

Who's The Shyist: Sarah G

When Have You Cried The Most: I'm not able to disclose that information.

What Is The Best Feeling In The World: love. never felt it yet. I'll tell ya when I do. :/

Worst Feeling: Betrayal

Where Do You Want To Live When You Grow Up: Anywhere but here.

If You Could Change One Thing About You What Would It Be: Everything.

How Long Do You Think You'll Live: idk. As long as I try


Let's walk on the... rooftops

Let's look at the...lights of the city

What a nice... way to say goodbye

Where did all the... love go?

Why can't we... be together?

Silly, little... kids. We just wanting to know what love is.

Isn't it weird that... No one treats anyone good.

Never under any circumstance... should you treat someone like shit.

I wish... for him to love me.

Everyone has a... lie they tell themselves.

I am... Kendra Lorrain Alverson. And that in itself is a definition.


Been In Love: no

Been To Juvie: no

Mooned Someone: no

Been Rejected: Always

Ran Away From Home: not that I can remember

Pictured Your Crush Naked: Duh...

Skipped School: yeppers

Thought About Suicide: more than you wanna know.

Slept Outside: Yes

Laughed So Hard You Cried: Yes

Cried In School: Yes

Thrown Up In School: Yes

Wanted To Be a Model: never in a million years.

Cheated On Someone: no

Done Something Really Stupid That You Still Laugh At Today: Probably, knowing me.

Seen A Dead Body: Yes

Been Bitched Out: Yes

Drank Alcohol: Yes

Smoked: Yes

Been On Drugs: in a way, yes

Eaten Sushi: Yes, and it was horrible. EWW!

Been On Stage: Yes

Gone Skinny Dipping: No

Shoplifted: Yes

Been Drunk: Yes

Been Called A Tease: noppers

Been Beaten Up: noppers

~~DO YOU~~

Swear: All the fuckin time, bitch!

Sing Well: yes or so I've been told.

Shower Daily: Yes

Want To Go To College: Yes

Want To Get Married: Yes

Believe In Yourself: not at all

Get Motion Sickness: occasionally

Think You Are Attractive: Hell no!

Get Along With Your Parents: My mom -- ALWAYS!! My bio-dad -- NEVER!! My Step-Daddy -- Sometimes. Not lately.

Like Thunderstorms: Ooooohh, Yes.

Play An Instrument: Yes! Bass Clarinet

Own An iPod: Yeppers. And It's almost full. Ugh.

Pray: noppers. (If I do, it's when I feel like I'm at my wits end.)

Go To Church: noppers

Sleep With Stuffed Animals: sometimes.

Keep A Journal/Diary: sometimes

Dance In The Rain: Every chance I can.

Sing In The Shower: A lot.


Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi

McDonald's or Burger King: Micky D's

Single or Group Dates: A date period.

Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla

Strawberries or Blueberries: Stawberries

Meat or Veggies: Meat

TV or Movie: movie

Guitar or Drums: Drummers. ("Save a drum; Bang a drummer." :P)

Adidas or Nike: Converse

Chinese or Mexican: Chinese

Cheerios or Corn Flakes: Corn Flakes

Cake or Pie: Cake

MTV or VH1: VH1

Blind or Deaf: Blind

Boxers or Briefs: Boxers


Do The Splits: no

Write With Both Hands: a little

Whistle: a little

Blow A Bubble: who can?

Roll Your Tongue In A Circle: yes

Cross Your Eyes: Yes

Walk With Your Toes Curled: a little

Touch Your Tongue to Your Nose: No

Dance: Yes

Eat Whatever You Want And Not Worry: No... :/


You Touched: My mom

You Talked To On The Phone: Max

You Instant Messaged: Kassie and Josh in a convo

You Hugged: Sarah A

You Yelled At: Max, like last week.

You Played A Sport With: Football in gym class, so them.


Time You Laughed: At the store today

Time You Cried: Last Wensday

Movie You Watched: Ice Age

Flavor Of Gum You Chewed: Double Mint

Joke You Told: idk.

Song You've Sung: The Wizard and I - Wicked the Broadway musical


Where Are You: dining room

What Can You See Out Your Window: Trees and grass, and my driveway

Are You Listening To Music: yeppers

What Are You Wearing: Jeans, an MSU shirt and my BRAND NEW BRIGHT PINK CONVERSE!!!

What's On Your Mousepad: A tiger


Do you believe there is life on other planets: Sure why not?

Do you believe in miracles: Sometimes, but not lately. :/

Magic: Yes.

Love at first sight: No.

God: Is a bully with a magnify glass on a hot summer day, and we are the ant hole.

Satan: Sometimes.

Ghosts: Yeppers.

Santa: Nopeprs.

Evolution: Yes.


Fav Eye Color: Blue or brown

Fav Hair Color: Dark brown or black

Short or Long Hair: Either.

Height: taller than me.

Weight: Doesn't matter

Best Clothing Style: Anything except super preppy.


What Country Would You Most Like To Visit: England

Number Of CD's I Own: Tooooooooo many

Your Good Luck Charm: my jelly bracelets

How many pillows do you sleep with: three

Do you drink milk: Yes

Person You Hate Most: Thats a secret, now isn't it?

Most Outdated Phrase: "That's Gay."

Do you think God has a gender: No.

Where do you think we go when we die: where ever you believe you go. I'm not the one to judge.

How many rings until you answer the phone: depends on the time of day/who it is.

What is something scientists need to invent: A way to instantly fix a broken heart.

Are you a health freak: noppers

Are you a virgin: Yeppers!!

If you could travel into space, where would you go: As far as I could possibly go.

What is the worst weather: Snowy.

Did you play with Barbies as a child: Yeppers

How many grades have you failed: none.

life, me

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