More shopping and some cool coincidence

Jul 01, 2007 08:34, I walked like hell yesterday, making my own tour through Tokyo.

First off, went back to Ikebukuro to do some more shopping and searching there, unfortunately coming up with nothing. But I did manage to find a Wendy's there, where I had two Terikyaki Burgers, GOOD STUFF!!! It still was a poppin' place, especially yesterday. Man, t'was filled more than any other day I've been there, and it overwhelming. The malls were all packed like Sea Chicken in a can. Hell, it rivals going to the Taste of Chicago on a SATURDAY! But yeah, after much thought, I decided to gamble and go ride the train elsewhere, instead of following plans and going to Asakusa.

So, instead of there, I took the train all the way to Tokyo Station. And the station looked pretty nice... from afar, where you couldn't really see the ongoing construction. And for the most part, I found that the station and its surroundings are very dull. First off, I had the impression that Tokyo looked really nice most anywhere you went. But over there, it was nothing but grayscale buildings that darkened the setting even more than the cloudy sky that afternoon. Blah-tacular view, very disappointing, not even greenery or colorful signs to change the scape. The area is also mostly business and office buildings, so it was deathly quiet. I guess didn't mind the peace and quiet, but man, there was nothing to do there.

From there, I decided, fuck it, I'll MAKE it interesting. So I got hold of my bearings and headed north. Next area of town just north was Nihon-bashi. Awesome place! It reminds me of Michigan Avenue, where there's plenty of department stores, traffic, and people, but also having random flowers and foliage to jazz up the place. Some good stores to visit, and coolest of all, was a little coincidental bump-in with Yuuta!

I called the dude earlier and I happened to bother him during work, so I couldn't talk long. And on top of it, he had work until 6pm, overlapping into other plans I had for the day. So I was relegated to not seeing him till tomorrow. But as I stepped across the crosswalk, I saw someone in a DoCoMo (J-Phone company) polo walking the opposite direction. I took a quick glance since his white polo was standing out from everyone elses, and somehow the hair and face looked familiar, so I quickly turned around and headed after him. I called out his name, and by golly gosh, it was actually him! Luckily for us, I happened to have caught him just as he was going on break from passing out flyers on the street! So yeah, although it wasn't for very long, we talked about stuff, everyday stuff, work, school, etc. and kicked back while he was relaxing with a cigarette. Before he had to get back on duty, he got me directions toward Asakusa and put me back on track.

And so the journey continues, making another passby through Akihabara again. This time I took some more pictures of areas I didn't get to go through, and also visited the Origami Gallery near Akihabara and Ueno, my next destination. I was in awe of the beauty and crispness of the paper being folded into the works of art there. The people who ran the place were even more hardcore than me, but still go by the same creed of strictly folding and nothing else, no cutting, no tape, no glue, just the basics. If the stuff wasn't so expensive (and that with the right book, I could've made half of the stuff there anyways) I would've bought some stuff.

Next I went NE to Ueno, another busy place filled with shops, karaoke spots, bars, and restaurants. Very eclectic crowd there, about the only people I didn't see there were Goths, heh. Even a group of ganguro girls made their way through town! Went around shopping near Ueno Station, a huge station that is comparable to the business of Belmont Station. It was nice cause the station looked like it had a forest growing from behind it, really cool.

Finally, I made my way towards Asakusa, and finally made it to my ultimate desination, Kaminari-Mon (the Thunder Gate). Lots of people were there as well, and man, if I had time, I would've hired someone to push me around in a rickshaw cart through the place! Really beautiful decor and temple, and the shops were great. Also had some deep fried manju (bean paste buns)... man, I know they're geared toward foreigners but they're soooooo goooood!! The shops too were meant for tourists, but actually the prices were fairly decent. Hehe, one of the shopkeepers started saying something in Korean to me, but I told her I was Japanese and she started apologizing, hahaha. She told me jokingly to stop looking Korean or something that that, hahah.

I got on the train home and passed out. I walked for over 3 hours, not really sitting down except to commence preparations for Fibercon. And wow, I think I did better than any tour bus would've gotten me, to be honest. I love touring and exploring cities like this, on foot. It was really tiring, but wow, was it worth it.

Oh, a few more things... first, some gift-buying happened yesterday and the day before, so now I have gifts for Agnes, Adam, John, Steve (those Hanafuda cards were almost exactly $10, awesome), and for Stephen's grandma.

Finally, to reply to the previous post's comments:

pinkbunnyhop: Yes I did! I didn't go inside, but I saw that and a few other retro gaming shops there. And I'll be going to Yokohama soon, any suggestions?

shinukyo: Thanks, and I will have a digi-cam stuf't with pics when I get back.

pure nell: I can see if I can find it, I'll let you know.

Queni: Sorry again that I can't make it this year, or next year also, heh. But yeah I wish you a Happy B-Day from here! Anything you want from here?

dz_nuts: Fuck, that sucks! I sorta hope I won't need to carpet clean right when I get back home.

l3v3l: Haha, well I saw him before I saw your comment so yeah, I'll tell him that today, hahaha.

Alrighty, I'm outta, till next time!
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