Title: Coming to Terms
Author: sylarismyhero2
Chapter: 1/?
Characters/Pairings: Ichigo/Ishida, Kon
Summary: Kon discovers the relationship between Ichigo and Ishida
Disclaimer: I'm not even Japanese
Part 1: ...with the Confession )
Part 2: ...with your Sexuality )
Kon pouted and crossed his arms as he sat in Ichigo's pack. He understood why Nee-san would want him to stay with Ichigo, but he was curious as to why Ichigo had to treat him like he was a disgusting secret. The disgruntled youth would always throw Kon into his pack and, it seemed, deliberately abused it afterwards. When Kon was with Ichigo, the orange-headed boy would throw the pack around into hard things, swing it, and make it uncomfortable almost to the point of being unbearable. On numerous occasions, Kon had recieved wounds to his fluffy, soft body just through Ichigo's harsh use of his pack.
And the horrible thing was that he couldn't complain about it. At least not while it was happening. If he did, Nee-san would get angry at him and Kon didn't like Nee-san being angry at him. It wasn't fun when Nee-san yelled at him. It was fun when she yelled at Ichigo, not so much when she yelled at him.
Kon grunted when he felt the pack he was in slam against another wall. He slumped over, wondering what class this was. The bell had rung, so it was the end of the day. That meant no more classes. So does that mean Kon could come out? Maybe not, because he heard voices. Ichigo's and...someone else's. It was a familiar voice. Too soft for Kon to make out, but what he could hear he could recognize. Kon shifted around, maneuvering himself so that he could look through the flap of the bag.
Kon couldn't see much. All he could see was the legs of chairs, desks, and the two humans. He could see the two legs of the humans come closer as one person backed the other against a desk. He heard more mumbling. He saw one leg shift in-between the other pair. He heard a soft moan, and what sounded like the name "Ishida."
Kon thought that over for a moment. Ishida. Yeah...that was probably Ishida. It sounded like his voice. It also sounded like they were kissing.
Kon felt something switch in his mind. Ichigo and Ishida were together, alone, kissing...
"Holy crap!" Kon shouted, realizing what was going on.
He covered his mouth a second later, hoping Ichigo hadn't heard him.