Title: Coming to Terms...
Author: sylarismyhero2
Chapter: 4/5, 5/5
Characters/Pairings: Ichigo/Ishida, Rukia
Summary: Ichigo and Uryu have a conversation concerning their PDA and Rukia worries over her confused heart.
Disclaimer: I do not own ANYTHING!
A/N: Okay, it took me a while to finish this up, so I'm going to post the last two chapters of Part 3
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Comments 6
Heads up: Found a typo (the Root of All Grammatical Evil! 8O): "... close to. Loosing her best friend. The..."
Do believe that should be "losing".
Otherwise, fabulous. Makes me want to give Rukia some of that cake that I just slaved over...
Sorry I never got around to sharing any of my writing. I get side-tracked easily. If you like, I have a link to a short story I barfed up. It's pretty twisted.
Anyway, I would like to see this story of yours. I like twisted things.
Actually, the cake tastes awesome... It just doesn't look the way I had hoped it would. Oh well.
/cake giving
H'okay. http://thesaucyaccordian.deviantart.com/art/Hollow-70036418
Twistedness. :3
I'm gonna go be sickly, now.
And I understand the whole cake thing. I was supposed to make Scrabble cookies (cookies that looked like scrabble pieces) but when they entered the oven, they didn't stay the 2"-by-2" that the board me and my friends had slaved over was made for.
And, to your story:
OH MY FUCKING GOD! IT WAS SO ****AWESOME****. It was freaky and bloody and it had wolves and a witch-ghost-premonition-thingy and crazy(?) people and...and...NYAH! Thank you for showing it to me! It was so cool! *bows a hundredfold*
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