I'm serious. Line them up in Trafalger square and let people take cracks at them with bats (baseball or cricket, it doesn't matter). I will hire myself out for a plane ticket if the English do that. Why? Because of those idiots, I won't be able to take a water bottle on the plane with me when I fly out to Japan in mid-September. *grrrrrrrrrrr
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Comments 8
And Avatar's a pretty decent show, for an American "anime." I'd say watch it if you're bored and want to indulge in animated Asian motifs. (*^.~*)
We all know you've got him buried out in the backyard, don't try and hide it...
And who do I have buried in my yard?
"What we don't know yet is what we thought and what the Iraq Survery Group has found, and we want to look at that."
HIM. You know, him. That nice fellow who you went all axe-murderer on after going on a Gravitation dub bender.
You mean, they're more paranoid than Homeland Security? (O-O) Oh boy. Good thing I don't have parking tickets - do you think sniffing glue in first grade would get me in trouble?
And I figure, yea, I'm going to learn the language better over there because I HAVE to. My brain is lazy and doesn't like doing things unless inconvenienced. (*^-^*) I had a semester of Japanese in sophomore year, so I know diddly when it comes to kanji - thank goodness Japanese grammar isn't like German (which was my minor. *kills self*)
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