Maybe it's mercury in retrograde, but this time I came in 20 minutes into the show AND somehow missed the most interesting question about a murder and an angel and the weapons whereabouts. RAR! So here's what I got:
Lady: When I was six years old, my mother told me that I had a twin that died at birth. A few years ago, people started telling me that they had just seen me in places I haven't been. My father told me that I ride the bus with him every morning but will not speak to him. I was seen going into another man's house and my husband thought I was cheating. My son was spooked because he'd said he was riding his bike and saw me walking down the sidewalk but then I was inside when he came in. I want to know did my twin really die or is this her?
Sylvia: She's not your twin. The same thing happened to me in Kansas City, people say that there is a lady there who looks exactly like me but I've never seen her. Everyone has someone who looks like them, and this lady just happens to look like you, only her face is longer.
Next lady: My father died, does he come around me and what does he do?
Sylvia: I don't know what he's always in the kitchen for, but he rattles things in the kitchen, dishes and silverware.
Lady: What are my themes in life?
Sylvia: you are Justice and Recuer, and that's the one that gets you into trouble because you are always trying to save people.
Lady: My mother died, does she come around me?
Sylvia: Yes and she tweaks you, she nudges you in bed and also she pulls off the covers.
Lady: How did she feel about us taking her to the hospital?
Sylvia: She was happy about it and says it didn't really matter because she was half gone anyhow.
Lady: Buford the prankster is the ghost where I worked. Once I gave him the name and began talking to him, he became more active. When we would come in to work in the mornings we would be met with the scent of Vanilla pot smoke (is there such a thing??) He played with the calculator, and one of his favorite things to do was flush the toilet. Sometimes he'd come with the smell of cigarettes. One night I was working late and heard footsteps coming down the hall when no one else was there. The office filled with the scent of cigarettes and I heard the footsteps turn and run. After that the scent changed to chocolate chip cookies. I think Buford protected me and I want to know is he attached to that place or to me?
Sylvia: Well his name is really Isaac but that's ok. He really did protect you and he is what we call a protective, not a spirit guide but someone you knew in a past life that hangs around to protect you.
Lady: Is he the one who came to me when I was three and held my head and sat with me?
Sylvia: Yes, that was him.
This was the murder that I missed.
Lady: Did my daughter suffer when she passed and does she has a message for me?
Sylvia: No she didn't and she says that you helped her get to the other side and that's huge.
Lady: My father left before I was born and I am looking for him, can you tell me where he is?
Sylvia: He's in Arkansas, but look honey, leave him alone. Yeah, I wouldn't bother with him, he isn't worth the powder to blow him up with.
Montel: The book is called The Mystical Life of Jesus, it's like her 600th best seller, so go out and get it!
Man: Will I have kids?
Sylvia: Three and they will be healthy.
Lady: My fiance was killed two weeks after he asked me to marry him. Does he have a message for me?
Sylvia: He comes in dreams, he said that he's come to you in 3 (lady says YES) and he surrounds you with a rose smell.
Lady: My father died, does he come around me?
Sylvia: Actually, and this doesn't happen often, but he's already back in.
Lady: Does he come around the family?
Sylvia: NO honey, he's back in, he's with the living, he's reincarnated--he's polynesian.
Lady:...but...but I see the 11:11's all the time, EVERYwhere...
Sylvia: That doesn't matter, that's just about your own spirituality, 11:11 is a spiritual number.
Lady: My best friend committed suicide, I just want to know why he didn't tell me what was bothering him.
Sylvia: Bipolar people are the most mysterious people on the planet. The can be fine, happy, making plans, loving life and then one thing can just snap, and in an instant, that's all it takes. They're gone.
Lady: My daughter has dreams about being kidnapped and now she doesn't want to go outside because she's afraid it will happen.
Sylvia: No it won't happen, this is something that DID happen in a past life, and now she has reached the age that she was when it happened and she thinks it's going to happen again but it won't.
Lady: Is there anything I need to resolve from a past life that I've brought with me in this one?
Sylvia: Just drowning.
Montel: So the holidays are coming up, is there anything we need to worry about?
Sylvia: NO it's all going to be quiet. Even the weather will settle down. I will say this though, I think Osama is dead.
Is anyone going to see Sylvia on this tour?