sylvia on montel

Apr 25, 2007 16:04

Montel Recap!

Begins with talk about Spiritual Connections, Sylvia's new book.

Sylvia: For people who want to know why they didn't get along with certain people, that's what this book helps with.

Montel: And you talk about something called Astral Catalepsy. Tell everyone what that is, you say it can be a scarey thing.

Sylvia: Right and it's that feeling of being powerless and paralyzed, you're unable to move at all and it's just that you're having trouble re-entering your body.

Montel: And what can folks do to prevent that?

Sylvia: Just say before you go to bed, as God to let you have an easy trip--to let you exit and enter fast.

(Somewhere in here she calls Montel a peeping astralist because he's always saying he want's to go see Beyonce')

Sylvia: And there are lots of times when people think they are seeing a ghost when actually it's someone who is visiting them astraly. (I don't think I spelled that right. Is that even a word?)

first guest: I think my house is haunted. Things move, I've heard people walking around when no one is there, a ceiling fan turns on by itself, I've felt weight on the bed, smelled cigarette smoke. One night I woke up, went and sat down in my recliner in the living room and suddenly the room got cold and I felt a sensation like someone was blowing on my neck. I saw a black figure next to me. I tried to speak but I couldn't and I couldn't move. When my daughter woke, she told me she had a dream about the same black figure. Who is he and why is he in my house?

Sylvia: Actually you had a couple of things happening there. You were in Astral Catalepsy and while in that state, you crisscrossed dimentions and saw another spirit--you were seeing him with your spirit eyes, not your physical ones. You couldn't move because of the catalepsy. His name is Cliff, tell him to go to Christ.


Lady: Is my Grandfather with me?

Sylvia: Was he a big huskey man? He's right behind you.

Lady: *cries*

Sylvia: He says that he still gives you big bear hugs??

Lady: *blubbers* YES...thank you!


Girl: Everyone always said my high school theatre was haunted. I have felt fingers running thru my hair when I'm on stage, we've heard footsteps walking all around us, I rolled a ball and it stopped and rolled back to me, I've felt hands on my shoulders. We used a Ouija board and the spirit said she was 6 years old, named Hannah and waiting for her mother to come and get her. I know that in the 1900's a tornado wiped out the old school that was once there. Why would my high school be haunted? (um ok, just answered your own question)

Sylvia: How many times do I have to tell you morons not to use Ouija boards??? (ok she didn't really insult her) Spirits don't always tell the truth and they get confused. You open up all kinds of doors for crazy stuff to get thru, just DO NOT PLAY WITH OUIJA BOARDS!!!!11111eleventyone! Land is land, spirits are EVERYWHERE so any place can be haunted.
Her name is Janey, she is 12, her mother is Hilda, she died of Diptheria, tell her to go to Christ where her mother is.


Lady: Stuff moves in my apartment. WTF? It's new.

Sylvia: LAND IS LAND. ANY PLACE CAN BE HAUNTED. Her name is Adeline and she comes and goes. Tell her to go to Christ.

Christ: WTF Sylvia, my hands are kinda full...

Sylvia: Shush, Christ.


Montel: I know you talk a lot about extra terrestrials. Are they little green men?

Sylvia: Nope, they look just like us and they are everywhere. I have told you before that you have had some in your audience Montel. They are in politics, everywhere. They colonized us.

Lady: My sister was visiting and we were walking on my land and we noticed something like a crop circle in my feild. It was glowing, the grass was counter clockwise, and I thought Not again.

Montel: WTF not again?

Other lady who is the daughter of the first lady: Well the first thing happened in 1984. I was walking in that field with my dog and this light went over us, stopped and came back, and then came to the center and made a WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH noise and my dog ran and then I did too. It looked to me just like the picture I've seen in one of your books.

Sylvia: Yes and what happened to you was you lost time. It's just like what happened to me when I visited (some place, I forget) I lost time. And they didn't abduct you, but they implanted a lot of Cell Memory.

Lady: And this crop circle was in 2005

Sylvia: Yes, so see they visit often. It was definatly a UFO

Montel: And you say we're gonna see them soon?

Sylvia: Oh yes, while you and I are still on the air, someday we will see them. It's like what happened in Chicago recently, did you read? a hundred and some people saw this UFO and they came out and said Oh it was just a weather balloon. PUHLEEEASE. *rolls eyes at humanities stupidity*


Lady: When we moved into our new home, there was a feeling of unease but no one said anything. Finally one day I said OK I'm seeing things here and my husband was all YEAH ME TOO. We've seen a little boy, a woman, and an older man. Things move and stuff. WTF?

Sylvia: You got two levels of ghosts. The old man has no teeth. He was taking care of his grandson because his family died in a fire in the 1800's. The lady committed suicide in the 60's. Her name is Mary. The old man is Frank. The young boy is Frankie. Tell them to go to Christ....*eyes Christ*

Lady:....but stuff moves.

Sylvia: Yeah it's just energy, it gets so strong and it forms an arch and things move because energy repeats itself.


Sylvia: Send them to the light.


Lady: Who was the entity that was in my room holding my coffee cup? I don't wanna hafta slap a bitch for taking my cup.

Sylvia: His name was Harold or Harry. It's strange because he is such an advanced spirit and he came to give you a message: he was saying that your cup feels empty but soon it would be full.

Lady: Of coffee?

Sylvia: He was saying that YOU may have felt empty but soon everything would be OK.


Montel: DOES Divine Intervention happen?

Sylvia: Oh yes, all the time.

Lady: My job requires that I check houses for mold contamination.

Syvlia: ew.

Lady:....yeah so like I was out at this house of this crazy man, and he was yelling at his neighbor and they were fighting and so I wanted to get out of there quick. I heard knocking on the front door and it was him, yelling at me to open the door. I tried and tried but it wouldn't budge. He cussed me and said he'd be back to break it down. As soon as he left the police showed up and the door opened fine. They told me that he had just stabbed and killed his neighbor. Would I have been next?

Sylvia: YES, you would have. Your angels blocked that door, as well as your spirit guide.

LAdy: And my dad had just passed...

Sylvia: Well he was probably there too! But the main one who intervened that day was Mother God, not that Father doesn't protect us too, but she's really the one who intervenes at times like that.

Lady: The man only got 8-10 years.

Sylvia: Don't you love America?


Lady: I was in labor all day and then suddenly felt the need to go to the hospital. (um....YES?) When I got there, the baby had lost it's heartbeat and I had to have an emergency Csection. I felt someone with me. Who?

Sylvia: Your spirit guide--Elaina. She's always with you just like Francine has always been with me.


Lady: I work at a credit union and we were robbed but before that, the ghost that is there pulled the alarm and somehow saved us. WTF?

Sylvia: Her name is Martha and she used to work there.

Lady: Why does she hide my keys?

Sylvia: Just to say Hi.


Montel: You talk about Regressive Theapy where someone can use hypnosis to go back and visit their past lives?

Sylvia: Yes and I just opened a school where you can get your credentials to hypnotize people and stuff.

Lady: I was using your meditative cd's and went to the other side. I decided to do it again only this time I wasn't on the other side, I was somewhere else. I was looking down at what I thought was myself, dying, in bed and I could see the baby down at the foot of the bed and I kept calling out " Darius, Darius". I found out later that there was a Darius King of Persia and he had a third wife who died in child birth and there was rumors that the baby's real dad was Alexander the Great. Was that me and what happened to my baby?

Sylvia: Yes that was you. The babydaddy was Darius and the jerk never did come even though you were calling out to him. The baby grew up to be in the court of Saladine. (I guess that's right spelling). So there ya go.


Lady: My son was born with heart defects and no ear and died two days after he was born. I think he visits my kids.

Daughter: I was experiencing the astral catastuff and couldn't move. I heard a womans voice say "Meeshna, look at your sister, go say hi" and I felt weight on the bed and heard whispering in my ear and I came out of it.

Sylvia: Totally was him.

Lady: Why does he not come to me?

Sylvia: because you aren't as open as they are and you don't need it as much as they do.

Montel: Do you believe that he CAN come to you, NO, DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE HE CAN?!?!?!?! *veins bulge on neck*

Lady: sorta.

Montel: *psssssh* there ya go.

Daughter: and we found a tape of him that mom had lost because she's an idiot...

Sylvia: He totally put it there. He says he's fine, he's happy, he's glad to have been with such a loving family and he's 30.

The End!
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