The light fell out of the sky and smacked her skin sharply. A yellow glow hung about her. Infinite sun. Rays that glanced off the surface of the moon and shot through stars, raced through time and light years, left home to strike like an arrow against the skin of one little girl walking, walking, for how many years no one can say.
(She has always been walking)
- some might say against the light, some might say for, towards, she thinks away.
"Wake up!" said the light, and her secrets spilled onto the sidewalk like a rainbow.
"Wake up!" said her mother "your sister's missing".
She left the house, the black and white house with the blue front door and started walking. She walked in circles, in lines, in apathy. She walked because she had nowhere else to go.
"Wake up" she whispered, and she saw her sister lying face down in a pool of light.
Water like glass and the light splintered. Light like a mirror in the face of the sun. Water clear as light, water light on her skin, skin bathed in light, sift through the shards of this to find her
She shook her head and the light spun, threads of gold. Halo-crowned and water in her hair.
She left the light and kept walking. The sky was clouding over. There were storm clouds in her eyes and the sky sang. Rain beat on the rooftops with a vengance and washed away everything she knew.
Storm lullabies sung her awake that night, the lightning forked and split the sky against itself. The rock that she sat on on the cliff top cracked and flung her into the sea. Gray waters thrashing. A light? A lighthouse. She didn't want to live. She sank with the mermaids and kicked off her shoes. Hair dull now with salt.
She kept walking under the water. She found her secrets in the mouths of tiny fishes, and one inside an oyster, milk-marbled pearl. There was a light above her head. "You won't find her there" it sang.
Still the light. The light that quivered like quiksilver in the air. Shot against her skin, fibreglass shards of sun cut her hand. Skin scar-dappled. Her blood bathed the gutter in light.
And she stood on the cliff top and watched the sea.
i miss izzy. still. goddamn. i swear it's unnatural to miss someone this much.