Summary: The Noah Clan has mostly recovered from the battles on the Ark. However, Tiki's new habit of drinking alone at midnight is only one of the things worrying Devit.
Prompt: 012. Melancholy
Disclaimer: The D. Gray-man series and characters don't belong to me.
Notes: Thanks to
cattheterrible for beta reading.
Melancholy )
Comments 16
Beautiful story!
I think that losing one's Noah self would be pretty traumatizing. Tiki was lucky. (Perfect icon there...)
Love this! <3
Losing one's Noah-ness might be like Allen losing his Innocence. (I liked the nice little parallel of Allen (almost) doing to Tiki what Tiki (almost) did to him when he supposedly destroyed Allen's arm.) I imagine it would be even more extreme for the Noahs, since it's a part of who they are, not something they have. It's hard to tell, since Tiki wasn't conscious after Allen's sword attack. Tiki might be relatively okay, since he likes being a hobo, but I bet it would be traumatic on some level. And it would downright SUCK for any other Noah who got de-Noahed. XD
It was great fun writing the character interaction here. :3
I'm glad you like it!
Huh. I never thought of it that way, that's a good theory. :O I guess for the Noah its an actual, physical thing...possibly genetic? I wonder...does it just HAPPEN and the power is so amazing they just accept it?
I think Tyki probably just had shock trauma, like 'oh man that was a close call' sort of trauma. And yes, haha he loves the hobo life...wonder what the upper class ladies he's supposed to be impressing suddenly come across him eating their expensive, imported koi right out of their fishponds? XDDD What happens if they DO get fully de-Noahed though...terrible as it sounds I kind of want it to happen to SOMEONE so I can see how they handle it.
Character interaction is always the best part of any story, so you're very welcome. <3
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