Problem with racism are not words - which usually are variables which hold a meaning (semantics). And as long this meaning does not change banning words does not help anything to fight racism. People here say to call a Negro Negro (Neger in german) would be racist and we should use (the english) term "people of colour". They referr shamefully to an N-word which I never realized would be insulting. Never heard it used that way - other as "Kaffer", "Nigger" which are always used to insult a human because of his skin tone. Since I learned the term "Neger" (Negro) could be understood as insult I try avoiding it. But still I think the problem with this word is imported from US-american usage (basically I saw my first real life black person when a platoon of the US Army walked along our school yard when I was 17. They only became a commen view with the first wave of refugees in the 90s)
Oh! Actually whenever someone speaks about half-full or empty glasses I remember Sir Terry's wise words
I love Terry Pratchett. I have read everything he ever wrote. I would read that last book, then start back over at the first book you have. He is not dead. His words remain, and his mind, and his thoughts. :)
Comments 2
People here say to call a Negro Negro (Neger in german) would be racist and we should use (the english) term "people of colour". They referr shamefully to an N-word which I never realized would be insulting. Never heard it used that way - other as "Kaffer", "Nigger" which are always used to insult a human because of his skin tone. Since I learned the term "Neger" (Negro) could be understood as insult I try avoiding it. But still I think the problem with this word is imported from US-american usage (basically I saw my first real life black person when a platoon of the US Army walked along our school yard when I was 17. They only became a commen view with the first wave of refugees in the 90s)
Oh! Actually whenever someone speaks about half-full or empty glasses I remember Sir Terry's wise words
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