It's a TRIBUTE for Pete's sake

Jun 30, 2008 21:24

lol, I win at clever subject titles. [you'll see why in a moment :P]

I have some moments of respite for the time being..& am quite bored, naturally, so I've decided to do a small 'tribute' dedicated to Pete Doherty & Carl Barat of The [now defunct] Libertines. Why? Because they're probably my RPS OTP 4 LIFE.

This is Pete Doherty. This is Carl Barat. Both used to be frontmen in The Libertines.

They were close. Quite close, in fact. I mean, they used to share a flat [and possibly a bed!! fr srs]. Come on now.

They were mates, chums, BFFs. They liked to go to the beach together, get the same tattooes [lol @ the guy w/ 'Pete' & 'Carl' by his knuckles XD], even dress in drag--well, maybe just Pete. But the point is: they loved each other's company. They were thick as thieves, y'know? got obsessive a la Tony Stark and his abusive, wannabe-boyfriend Armor Who Came to Life & competitive. This was largely due to Pete's excessive drug use & consequent misbehavior [he burglarized Carl's flat, as an example], for which the rest of his bandmates ultimately kicked him out..without him knowing it.

Soon after, the rest of The Libertines disbanded. Carl formed his own band, Dirty Pretty Things, & John Hassall [the bassist] formed Yeti. Pete was then fronting Babyshambles.

It was sad. Very truly sad that The Libertines fell apart, & that Pete&Carl were no more.
Various fanvids have been made in tribute to them. The following is my favourite:

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pay attention to the end~

Oh but there were happy vids too!! Like this one:

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adorable, I say!!

Around April last year was when I discovered Pete 'n' Carl. I immediately loved them, but of course, I was saddened that I got on the bandwagon too late. I remember making a post about them on the then-spankin new boysintheband_x [& getting some people interested in them, which made me happeee ^^].

After that, I..kinda forgot about them. I hadn't kept up with them, individually or concerning each other, until recently. It turns out, 10 days!! after I made the post in boysintheband_x & 1 day!! after my first Placebo gig, THEY REUNITED. 'On April 12, 2007, Pete Doherty and Carl Barât played 13 songs together at the second of Doherty's "An Evening with Pete Doherty" gigs at the Hackney Empire, London.' [TY Wikipedia]

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in which Carl shows off his tap dancing skills

I was filled with Joy. Joy, I tell you!!

I mean, look:

Isn't that worth keeping??

In conclusion & summation, Pete/Carl is most likely my RPS OTP for life because:
1] they've read fanfiction about themselves & are totally ok with it--perhaps even like it [ohh, if I can find that interview where they were talking about a fic in which Carl was in armor, fighting a dragon XD]. I love guys who appreciate their slashibility.
2] they are two of the most touchy-feely, kissy-huggy [& unabashedly so] bandboys & one of the best band couples in..anything ever. Like, DAYUM.
3] their Love was is True. & strong enough to conquer drugs & Kate Moss & fuck-else.

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