AC 2011 con report

Jun 30, 2011 01:31

Okies I know its a few days late, but those that actually read these things know I never finish them on time.

So the usual trip to AC started with us departing at 1:45am, everything went smoothly as Thesius and I have this down to a science. Did our usual stop just past NYC and napped for a few hours. Just outside Pittsburgh we stopped and picked up my anniversary present from Thesius. I know its a couple weeks early but we had seen a good deal and I got a new digital camera that also does HD video. Got to the hotel just after noon and checked in and did our usual lunch run to Mike and Tony's as they honestly do some of the best gyros to be found anywhere. Following that it was unpack the car and then we crashed for a short nap. By then our roomie for Weds night had arrived and we spent a good amount of the rest of the day just chatting and headed to the zoo, meeting up with others as they arrived for the con. Crashed early as just tired from the trip and nothing really going on.

Slept in some and then got up and had breakfast and then headed over to registration. Quick easy and simple and we were done in not even 15 minutes. Following that we wandered over to PNC park as the Red Sox were in town for the weekend and were curious on tickets, alas it was standing room only for Sunday's game, (the other 2 had conflicts so we could not go. Then wandered over to Fort Pitt as Thesius really enjoys the historical stuffs. After that it was relax in the zoo for a bit for heading to the first dance to check things out. Danced a lil in suit but didn't want to wear out so only really stayed maybe an hour. Finally called it a night bout 1am.

Started the day with getting my fursuiting badge and then hit the dealers room, got the badge commission from Kalika. After that it was roaming and only bought 1 print this year. Owl and I did get a pair of leather wrist bands that had our names and lil character with it. When finished with the dealers room we cruised through the art show but nothing really captured us so we didn't bid on anything. Headed over to the zoo and relaxed there some fore heading back to the room for dinner (we brought a lot of food this time so to limit the eating out). By the time we headed back out it was already the start of the fursuit dancing prelims, went and watched for a bit but alas they were already booked so I was not able to do it, may try next year depending on schedule. Wandered to the dance and Firr was spinning and wow he rocked things, had a blast in suit dancing and only wish I could have seen as they had put me up for a while on the giant screen while I was out there. Much as I didn't want to have to leave fore it was too late as had to be up early the next day.

Got up early and headed to the masquerade rehearsal. Was there by 8:50 and heh 2 staffers there and 2 acts. Alas by the time things were moving I didn't get out till 1130. Thankfully Thesius went and got us coffee so we could least stumble through the day. After rehearsal brought the suit back to the room and grabbed food and then hit the dealers room and got our leather wrist badges and picked up a deck of Furoticon. Went back to the room and got dressed up and headed over for the parade, this year there was 854 suiters. Spent some time talking with BigBadWolf who created my original suit and marched with him in the parade. Amazing to think it was over 10 years ago that I started suiting. After the parade napped a lil as not gettin much sleep. Then was time for the masquerade. This year my skit was "the cure for PCD" and probably had one of the biggest pops I have ever gotten on stage. The crowd ate it up and the staff literally dragged me off so fast I could not even keep my feet. Great fun and now gotta think how I will try and top it next year. I am hoping there be a video of it soon online to see. After that it was time to grab a shower and then went to a demo on the Furoticon card game. Had a lot of fun and quite nifty for a game. Alas we spent too much time there and missed the entire Saturday night dance set. First time ever for me at AC. After the demo went through the zoo a lil and then crashed for the night.

Had food and then went over to the dealers room to pick up Owl's commission from the GOH, he did a really nice water color and was just an awesome guy to talk with. Picked up a few more of the furoticon cards and then browsed the Bad Dragon toys. After that we went and watched the fursuit dance finals, there was some really incredible dancing and it shows why they made it to the finals. After that it was relax in the zoo until the closing ceremonies. Following that we started to pack some of the stuff up in the car and grabbed a bite to eat. Went to the aftercon party some but were well worn out so we not stay up late.

Little to say, got up, grabbed food and left just before noon. Got back to CT around 9pm and thus was AC 2011 finished.

I am not going to try and remember or list names for whom I saw or met as that would be just too much and I know some would be forgotten. Save I will say a big thanks to Rayne and Foxlord for being wonderful roommates this con. Ya guys were great. Okies till next year, when if all goes well Thesius may have a huge surprise there. :-)
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