if you had the chance to see God's plan for your life (like, before you lived it) -the good, bad, your highest and lowest points- would you still follow it thru
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Ok im just going to say how i feel about this: just because lauren had a bad day-just because she's tired of a lot of the things thats been going on in our homeschool group, just because she vented about all of this on her live journal...doesnt even come close to the conclusion that she does drugs, that she drinks, that shes thinking of comitting suicide. i mean seriously c'mon....she vented once!! she vented one time and it turned into a huge controvercy. i understand you being worried but i mean seriosuly...you cant jump to that conclusion when we vent ONE time. especially when we're ALL tired of that. you think lauren is the only one tired of all this stuff??? shes not. i am. i know a lot of other kids that are too. she just happened to post about it first. and as for the whole y'all failing on raising us er whatever....i dont think you failed. i mean i dont know which one YOUR kid is because you dont put your name, but i dont think my parents failed, i dont think laurens parents failed, actually....i dont think that many of the
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