Oh! also, i meant to tell you - because I am nerdy this way - iI just finished a book about an illicit teacher/student relationship and I thought dude. that fic on LJ was like, 20 times better than this
Rachel, I love the use of the word "epic" in this. You're so careful about what scenarios to apply it to. This is just one example of how much attention you pay to language, but this isn't the sort of thing I want to read and pick apart, it's the sort of thing I want to read and then just sort of nod and "hmmm" appreciatively. So I'm down here in Manhattan "hmmm"-ing appreciatively.
(Also, since I'm a "careful reader," yes I get what this is about. You kind of inspired me to write some CN-F about my similar situation. It doesn't have an ending, which is good in real life but bad in terms of writing.)
And dude I totally just came up with a way to end it. Although I'm essentially having a conversation with myself right here you definitely get props for helping me.
Aww, thanks so much! This semester I have had to deal with a creative writing professor who puts me down at the soonest opportunity -- despite the fact that the rest of the class enjoys my writing, he likes to tell me things like the fact that "using real life experiences is a bad idea" and read my theses backwards -- so I can't tell you how much it means that you're enjoying this. (Sorry to rant, by the way.) ♥♥
And I am so excited to see what you write!!!!! See all the exclamation points?
Thanks so much! I just sat down and wrote it; I've been wanting to write about the situation for a few months, without any success, and now I was finally able to. It was pretty exciting.
this is so, so good, and so, so sad. almost to the point of being heart-wrenching, really. but you never dive into melodrama or total self-pity or anything and that makes it so much more effective. it's really well-written, and really nicely done.
Comments 17
also. i have the original picture of your icon XD
Isn't it a cute picture? I'm so glad you have it to enjoy!
(Also, since I'm a "careful reader," yes I get what this is about. You kind of inspired me to write some CN-F about my similar situation. It doesn't have an ending, which is good in real life but bad in terms of writing.)
Also, ♥♥ abundant ♥!!
Color me super excited. ♥
And I am so excited to see what you write!!!!! See all the exclamation points?
Finally: ♥♥♥♥
(Plus, Neruda.)
And ♥ for Neruda! What a winning poet.
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