Title: A Twist of Fate (2/?)
Pairing: Mord'Sith!Kahlan/Confessor!Cara, Seeker!Denna/SotL!Dahlia
Rating: T for now
Warnings: If you have not seen Season 1, Episode 8 - Denna... and don't wanna be spoiled... don't read this chapter... or the next. Mentions of Dennee/Cara, but past references only.
Disclaimer: Most certainly not mine.
Summary: Zedd fails
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Comments 26
I like this green theme btw.
Thanks, glad you like the new theme.
I like how you worked a bit of the ep Denna into Mord'Sith!Kahlan's introduction ...nicely done.
MordSith!Kahlan seriously kicks a$$$ ...I think Nass may have some skidmarks in his nether regions (aka tighty whiteys)*snigger*
Berdine = much <3 as always
Whilst they are all essentially different to their show personas I like how you've still managed to keep some of who we've come to know and love in there.
I'm with Cara - Denna&Dahlia are sickly sweet just like another RL couple I know o_0 (is that a bit of real life sneaking into your writing there missy??? lol)
Hmm I think you may need to copyright the phrase D'Haran whore - I almost used it at work the other day
BTW This is all mine....it says so in the A/N but I will still share it - mwahhhhh you rock ;P
I know right? He seriously did crap his pants (that will be mentioned later XD, sneak).
Berdine is going to be even more adorkable as usual.
Oh thank the keeper, lol, I was really hoping I didn't deviate to much from their original personalities. I would have been bummed if I did.
SHUUUUHSHHH! I WOULD NEVER DO SUCH A THING!... >_> *blatant lies and deceit*
Lol, I can't because D'Haran is copyrighted. Sadly. Just like I can't with mord'puppies.
Yes. Yes it is yours.
Lol, damn, I was aiming for the opposite with Cara giving Kahlan the BoL during sexyteims.
*geek alert* Mord'Sith are reverse!Dementors in every way. They give soul [plus life] and are way sexy.
I have a question. Why couldn't Denna use the sword to fight the Mord'Sith? Richard always used it against them in a fight. I know the sword is magic but it is also a pretty sharp blade. Just wondering.
I suppose I should take a gander at those episodes just to get a better feel for the back story of Kahlan and Richard. It's just hard for me to watch those episodes without Cara in them.
Thank you for taking the time to explain.
But basically that's what Mord'Sith do, you know when Cara redirects magic back at Sorceress', Wizards and other such things? Pretty much the same thing with the Sword of Truth cos it's a magical object.
As for watching season 1, it isn't necessary if you really don't want to in terms of this fic because everything will be explained in due time ^_^
Glad you are enjoying it so far.
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