Title: Crimson Regret
synergyfoxPairing: Cara/Kahlan with mentions of Dahlia/Garen, Berdine/Raina, Cara/Dahlia and Richard/Kahlan
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 5,055
Warnings: Character death and angst. A lot of it, as in have a tissue box ready.
Disclaimer: I don't own LotS, belongs to TG and Disney... but uh... uh... I get credit for potential tears?
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Comments 83
I feel like I'm never going to be happy again.
Sonia and Sam are perfect. And Cara just taking her punishment and continuing to love Kahlan through it all. Oh god. I just can't take it. In my mind Aunt Dahlia struts in right about now and administers the breath of life. PLEASE OK THX.
(Really really excellent work. Well done.)
Trust me. You will be happy again, I may or may not have a secret down my boot.
*hands over a tissue box* I'm really glad you liked Sam and Sonia, I was like *cuddles them* throughout the entirety of it. What's that saying? Pain makes you stronger? I dunno if it made Cara stronger but it's definitely making Kahlan stronger, you'll see ;)
But *dashes hopes* Dahlia is getting super feel-good snuggles from Garen in Aydindril with a side order of make-up/I'm sorry for letting you go/I shouldn't have left you sex.
And okay. I trust you. Happiness is coming. I will try to hang on. *panicky breathing*
*pets lots*
OMG...when Cara dies in Kahlan's arms... yeah that was more than dust in my eye :'(
Beautiful story....heartbreaking ending....I can't say anymore than loved it!!!!
Thanx for sharing and hurry up and write some more....
*offers tissue box* So it was more like a rock in the eyeball? Or was it worse 'cause you knew it was gonna happen?
;) Mucho glado you loved it.
I really loved that piece... it was short, but it almost made me cry. I hoped you would write a sequel... or something.
Well, I guess this is what I was wainting for.
The wait was worth it. This fic is heartbreakingly beautiful.
I'm glad you enjoyed it, no matter how heartbreaking it was to read.
Well if there's something wrong with you then there's definitely something wrong with me since I wrote it XD (and may or may not have an injury quota to fill on a ficly basis for Cara, granted this time was a bit more semi-permanent than others).
Hey now, we all know punches to the gut lead to copious amounts of pillow times on Kahlan's chest. It's worth it in the end ;)
*wipe brow* well these boots are pretty big... they hide a lot of things to come.
Thank you for taking the time to read, rip your heart out, wibble a little and still comment ;)
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