Torn [1/3]

Oct 03, 2011 05:33

Title: Torn [1/3]
Pairing: Bo/Lauren
Rating: R
Word Count: 1186
Warnings: Crack? That’s a warning right?
Summary: In which Bo experiences an uninhibited Lauren and Dyson gets... insulted.
Disclaimer: I don’t own them, nor down I own the “torn” idea, that’s from Legend of the Seeker.

Bo licked her lips as she watched three women dance atop one of Trick’s tables, giving into the music - free and uninhibited. Their bodies swayed and moved hypnotically with the rhythm; Fae surrounded them with arousal spikes off the chart.

Two blondes and a redhead.

A tug on her arm pulled the Succubus’ attention away from the women - Trick.


“You need to get Lauren down from there.”

She whipped her head around and zoned in on the two blondes, not believing the short Fae’s words until one of the women turned. There Lauren was, throwing her hair back as she danced with the other two.

Lips thinned in a line of grim determination and Bo handed the short man her beer; she would question him on just why Lauren was up there on the table in the first place later. The Succubus peeled her jacket off and tossed it to her human roommate for safekeeping before Faehandling her way through the crowd, deploying the occasional touch here and there. Bo let out a territorial growl when the redhead wrapped her arms around Lauren from behind, grinding into her.

She jumped, landing solidly on the heavy table.

“Hands off my human.” Bo grunted, meticulously pulling the woman’s arms from Lauren’s waist.

A giggle.

“But she’s so warm, Bo.” It came out in an almost petulant voice as Lauren snuggled back into the redhead. “She makes my skin tingly. Like you.” A small frown. “But not like you. Because you have a distinct tingly…”

The furrowed brows and pout would have been adorable if not for the redhead behind her moving in to pepper kisses on Lauren’s neck.

Bo’s eyes flashed in warning.

“Uh oh. The Succubus is getting mad.”

Lauren laughed and squirmed her way out of the redhead’s arms, moving to wrap her own around Bo. “Don’t be mad. I’m all yours. Not that you want me of course, I’ve been a bad, bad girl.

The muscle in Bo’s neck tensed, “time to get down.”

Bo hopped down and held her hands up to get the human down, holding her protectively (read: possessively) as she guided her to the bar. “I’m going to take her home. She’s obviously had too much to drink.” She sent an angry glare at Trick who held his hands up, shaking his head.

“She’s only had two shots and a beer here.”

Lauren squirmed around again, slowly walking her fingers up Bo’s arm towards her neck. “Sexyteims, I want sexytiems with my sexy, sexy Succubus.” She pressed her nose to Bo’s shoulder and giggled again, “you suck. But not in a bad way.” The doctor paused as if considering it seriously, “in a very good way in fact. Especially when you use your fingers and that thing with your-“

She was silenced by a firm hand clamped over her mouth, “okay! I like after hours Lauren but drunken Doctor Hotpants is definitely a bit too happy with the overshare.” The wig-lover quickly pulled her hand away, shaking it with a look of disgust, “ew! EW! She licked me! Doctor Hotpants licked me!”

Bo bit back a laugh as she pulled Lauren fully against her, “like I said. I’m taking her home so she can sleep whatever it is that she had, off.” She glanced at her roommate, “can you get a ride home or do you want to come with.”

“Oh no, you and Lauren are going to have sex. You knock the ceiling down! Half of the time it’s into my cereal.”

“I’ll make sure she gets home safe.” Trick offered, eyes straying to Lauren as she squirmed around more.

“It’s hot…” Lauren whined, tugging at the hem of her tank top.

“No! No… no… just… keep that… on.” Kenzi exclaimed, eyes widening and Bo lightly slapped the blonde’s hands away.

“Come on.” Bo muttered, keeping Lauren flush against her and glaring any Fae down who oogled her human. “Why are they suddenly looking at you like a piece of meat anyways? Granted… to some of them you probably are a piece of meat…” Bo sighed to herself and groaned when Lauren planted small, wet kisses on her neck.

“Let’s do it.”

Bo shook her head and tried not to glare, “no…” another few kisses on her neck, “bad!” Lauren grazed her teeth over Bo’s neck, nipping lightly, “bad Lauren!” She struggled to get the door open to her car with the doctor’s lips on her neck.


After what felt like hours Bo finally managed to get Lauren into the affectionately named the “crack shack.” Lauren leaned over to kiss Bo’s neck only to have the Succubus hoist her up and thrown her over her shoulder.

Maybe I should have carried her out of Trick’s like this… would have gotten her out faster.

She stumbled when Lauren brought her hands down onto Bo’s ass, “these are funner than bongos!”

“Funner?” Bo mouthed, just barely keeping from dropping the blonde as she made her way upstairs. “Look. Lauren. Whatever it is you had… you need to tell me.”

Lauren let out a low whine and tried to strike up a beat only to get thrown onto the bed. “Bo... bo… bo… boobies… Succubus boobies. Can we have snuggles? I want snuggles.”

Bo let out a soft sigh, studying the blonde doctor in bed before offering a small smile. “Alright, I’m gonna go get you some water and score you a few Tylenol. Then you can have all the snuggles you can handle.”

A brilliant smile erupted, dominating Lauren’s features as Bo pulled a few blankets up to let the doctor crawl under. She yanked the blankets up to Lauren’s chin and rolled her eyes when the human tried to pull her into bed. “No… no. Tylenol and water first.”

When she tried to straighten, however, the blonde locked her arms around Bo’s waist. “Fine… fine.” She sighed, lips twitching upwards as she crawled in. Lauren yawned and burrowed into the Succubus quickly, wrapping her arms and legs around Bo in attempt to keep her from running off. “I never would have taken you for mimicking a koala…”

“Quiet time.” Lauren grumbled, tightening her arms around Bo with a pout.

“Alright, quiet time.” Bo whispered, holding Lauren closer - telling herself she was keeping the blonde warm.


Dyson frowned as he studied the blonde human bent over her microscope, “did you find out anything about those samples I got you?”


The werewolf frowned, “I really need results.”

“Things have higher priorities at the moment.”

“Look, I know you don’t like the relationship between Bo and I…”

Lauren straightened slowly and turned to look at him with icy eyes, “this has nothing to do with Bo. Though it is my professional opinion that she could sleep with other Fae who are far less traveled than you. The fact of the matter is simple - there are things with a higher priority that I must attend to.” She smiled cold and turned back to her microscope, “if you would please leave. I do not want to have you accidentally contaminating anything.”


pairing: bo/lauren, fandom: lost girl

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