Title: Torn [2/3]
Author: synergyfox
Pairing: Bo/Lauren
Rating: R
Word Count: 1,142
Warnings: All naughty booboos are my own.
Summary: Adorably pervy Lauren... OCD Lauren... same dif, right?
Disclaimer: See, if I owned them there would have been way more than a boob-brush in episode five.
Giggidy )
Comments 13
Poor Dyson just can't win...neanderthal *snicker*
Looking forward to how you're gonna get the two Dr Hotpants back together again...me thinks it may not be a popular decision..lol
Pft... I'm not happy with Mr. Wolfboy right now... I wonder if he can get fleas... *ponders*
Totally haven't even thought about that... oh dear... *head desk* I need to think things through
Well off u go..put your thinking hat on and come up with a totally awesome finish..kplzthx :D
Girl, you write crack too well for my your own good!
“Don't you tell me to shut up Neanderthal!”
“I am not a Neanderthal!”
“No, you are correct. That would be an insult to the species!”
How I would *love* to see this on the show *snickers*
And Kenzi's just to funny, really.
What can I say? When I burst into a fandom crack must be provided. It's like... necessary. My introductory fics come with the unspoken and unwritten warning label - do not read with liquid nearby or where something can be broken.
Homg... I wanna see that too... that and a threesome. But hey, can't get everything in life right? *le glare at some people who keep sexyteims from happening Monderepisode*
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