Title: The Scars of Your Love [2/3]
Author: synergyfox
Pairing: Cara/Dahlia... I suppose it would also be considered unrequited Cara/Kahlan but still like acknowledged?
Rating: M
Warnings: Angst, crack, grandma!Shota... wait whut? Oh and edits are slowly being made - my eyes are droopy however.
Word Count: 2,895
Disclaimer: Trust me, it's a good thing I
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Comments 23
Wow such a bittersweet update - but in a good way!! It's so nice to see Cara & Dahlia making such a wonderful family/home life for all of them but poor Kahlan is really seeing on how much she missed out on because of one wrong decision :'(
Cara may be a big toughie on the outside but we all know she's one big mush ball on the inside - especially when it comes to her kids.
Sam is definitely a chip off the old block when it comes to defending people - loved the imagery of the shovel & Cara's advice for next time *snigger*..
Well done and looking forward to a certain BAMC showing Richard the errors of his ..hmmm..stupidity!!!
Aloha ..Tolstoy :)
Don't they make for adorable? I love it so much... even if Kahlan is moping in the background the entire time. But on the upside she gets to fix that one wrong decision. It's like... the chance of a lifetime right there.
Hell yes she's a mush ball on the inside - she's the little-spoon in this relationship and yeah, she wears the pants in the family - but Dahlia's on top.
Cara's advice is epic the kind i would give my kid... granted I'd make sure he knew to hit the guy with the blunt end first and then kick him in the balls but hey. To each their own.
X3 If she gets the chance to right?
XD The thing with the shovel? Yeah... my parenting philosophy as well. Use the blunt end.
This chapter was chock full of adorable and sweet moments and advancing the story moments (Sam with the breath of life) but *whines* it should be with Kaaaaaaahlan. *pout* Gah. This story is keeeeelling me. But I love it. Of course. My tramp stamp doesn't say "Angst Whore" in gothic lettering for nothing.
On to chapter 3, trailing a bear trap and a half-packed suitcase......
What's that Lion King song?
Oh yes....
"Be prepared."
What's that other Disney song?
Right, it's "Cara And Kahlan Are Going To Fuck Each Other Lovingly Until The Angst Burns Away".
What? It was in The Little Mermaid, I think.
Can't you use that song instead? No? *heavy sigh* Fiiiiine. I'll "Be Prepared"......
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Sam and his shovel are perfect! He needs to ride off into the sunset with the little girl and his shovel. Cos she's so his girl.
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