Title: I Saw Kahlan Kissing A Mord’Sith
Author: synergyfox
Pairing: Cara/Kahlan
Rating: G
Warnings: Gratuitous adorableness
Disclaimer: No cheating with other Mord'Sith occured during the creation of this song - I do not own the characters or the original jingle.
Thanks to
thedawn for helping out XD
I saw Kahlan kissing a Mord’Sith
Underneath the mistletoe last night
She didn't see me creep
Through the woods to have a peep
She thought I was tucked up in my bedroll fast asleep
Then I saw Kahlan kissing a Mord’Sith
Underneath her shiny leather red
Oh, what a fright it would have been
If Cara had only seen
Kahlan kissing a Mord’Sith last night