yeah wow.. very long! So a few things that happened and we shall start from the last update, hopefully to catch everyone up who is actually interested.
Well going by the last few posts, we are in Jersey.. and... drumroll please..
I am in school once again! woowoo! Studying Computer Design and Animation so that should be a huge boost to my sellable but currently limited skills. The downside is that I wont be out til 2007. =( Nonstop but it is evening classes so its a 3 days a week (thus why its longer than the usual time of these programs). So far Ive learned quite a bit and Im eager to continue on. Need to establish myself nicely before I can think about furthering my education. I may need to get a part time job though.. just to even out the financial side of things.. really becoming a bitch. =(
So lets see.. I started working for MMO Radio, then I left.. then I started working for WoR Radio. That didn't really work well with my current school schedule, so I had to depart from there as well. So much for tryin to introduce people to new music, eh? C'est la vie..
It was a nice run for at least a little while. Who knows, maybe somewhere in the far future I may be able to share more music with a wide audience and perhaps promote these lesser known bands. (cept maybe to europeans lol)
All in all, I am feeling quite good about where I am at. I do need to figure out a good attack plan for test studies but other than that I have been doing fairly well with my labwork and other school thinggers. Hopefully I can keep on in that vein. I definately need to get better test scores than what I got recently. At the very least I am a much calmer person than I was before and stress definately has melted away quite a bit. My only hope is that everyone understands why I left.. I doubt it but I am hoping. It would not have done any good for me to linger. Best to cut off, find someone else to fill my spot with more than 24 hour notice than for me to say I still needed "insert shift here" off cause I have to study for my session final. Creates less havoc and anyways, I think they seem to be doing well on having new DJs come on board so Im not terribly worried about how things will work out with them. They moved on and so have I. =)
Other than that things are fairly quiet. Mostly just me tryin to do well in school so that I can get into a better employment situation than I have been in the past.
Hope this update wasn't too terribly boring. ;D