So part of me is feeling rather.. stagnant. I need something to do to keep me busy. Many of my planned projects are dependent on others. I think I might take up cooking as a bit of a hobby. Rob and I are planning on eating more at home to save on money (we fell back into a bad habit of 'eating out' and that tends to compound on the spending).
I think Im going to put learning certain programing and scripting languages on hold until I can grasp the basics of at least the one to possible two languages I will be learning at school. On top of which I feel I am at a bit of an impasse for some other things. Other projects that I cannot really disclose the nature of right now, but it will all hopefully be worth it.
In the meanwhile, I need a release.. free time spent doing something. I wanted to paint the walls.. but I need to sand em and have no sandpaper. Hell I would like to just even get out now and again (during the non-liquidyhot days of summer) and hang out somewhere OTHER than someone's living room watching THEM play video games or tabletop rpg's. Im not really in a RP mindset as of late. All my energy and creativity seems to be drained for the time being. My muse got lost again. She keeps giving me the slip and Im beginning to think it may be on purpose. Perhaps she doesnt like working with me. *smirk* I dont blame her. Anyways, enough of the babble. Just jotting down thoughts. I think perhaps what I need is a good planner so I can actually get things done in a more timely manner. I also need to attempt walking to the hardware store and get the sandpaper and other small supplies so I can do what needs to be done down here. Maybe Rob will take me tmorrow or saturday to get these things. I would like to start on the painting this weekend. Im tired of lookuing at these ugly blue walls. I'd not mind if it was a prettier shade of blue.. its like.. BSOD kind of blue. Blegh.
I see my game download has finished, ciao everyone! Yay its the weekend!
- Syn