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Multidimensional Universe + Central Sun to Galactic Heart
Now I am not trying to be cynical at all. Because I share a similar thought as the person narrorating this video. I agree with much of what he said. But I looked at this video through as many perspectives as I could. First my ego was reeled in because I was enjoying what he was saying. He was talking about archetypes and basic human needs and change. He explained things in many different ways. From a scientist's, a journalist's, a mathmeticians, a philospher's, a priest, a psychologist or a layman could understand and want to embrace. But I did notice how it captured my attention and then got me wanting to be apart of it. I took myself out of the situation for a moment. Call this remote viewing if you will without the meditation. I saw it as a theatrics or puppet show to get my attention. I saw the lights and the motion and I remembered where I had saw these fascinating and spectacular designs. I had seen them in hypnotic illustrations or tools to mesmerize. I also saw the fractals and the beauty of the universe in so many layers.Dancing in that very famous spiral that seems to take us to that alternate perception. I heard the music that lulled me to sleep. It was very charming and I was very receptive to the message that was given. Some people are just more susceptible to the trance. It is not that I really mind what we were being asked to do. To believe in ourselves. To not give up. To see that there is something else out there besides what we could have thought existed. But I did notice that someone was using these tools to build the world into what they want it to be. The narrator's voice is soft and suggestive. If you have ever tried any hypgnosis courses you will learn that this is part of the show. To distract the visual, to calm the physical and to place that person altered state. It really comes down to the intent of the magician.
I want to be part of this movement. I want change and I want people to become super heroes and save us or help us escape. I want to understand the many layers of our existence and realize that we are just part one big cosmic ocean or a germ in the dimension of an even larger cosmos. How do we even know what is big or little? What do we have to measure it to?I know that things exist on many different levels and I am just a miniscule part of that great big existence....yeah yeah beat it into my head that I am nothing in any form that it can come across. But I can't help but see this as an opportunity to think that I am apart of the everything and that is a wonderful and inspiring feeling and I want to help others feel that way. But I can't make them realize that. So I keep on broadcasting and maybe I will start thinking of ways like these guys to broadcast the message to more people. I don't really think it matters about who's broadcast is louder and more believable. I think its more about realizing that you want to work with other people who believe in themselves and want to see change. What will it hurt? We haven't tried it before so let's give it a try. I believe because I exist. I exist because I believe. I believe in you and me. You believe in you and me. There are so many ways to describe the universe. I think if more people got together who believed in similar things and started a network there is nothing that would be impossible.
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Dr Quantum sheds a little light on dimensions
This one taught a similar message and inspired hope but targeted another angle. Since I love cartoons and the super hero style of the scientist character it charmed me in another way. It was still another form of magick. I was reeled in and taken to another dimension in my own mind for a little while. What if somewhere else in another dimension these thoughts that I had created that exact scenario that I saw and heard? Because I witnessed it became a real manifestation? What if the things that I was thinking about became physical manifestations in an alternate dimension that I can't physically see. Doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. It just means that I don't see it. I thought it up so it existed as a thought in my head for a little while. Until I quit thinking about it, it is there for a moment in time. It has a place, in my head, it takes up space, as a thought in my mind with dimensions and features that I give it. Its a live for a little while. It goes to the back buried as a memory (death or Past or unknown). These are my storage files of association. These are my halls of knowledge and make me the person that I am. The route of my existence. Now I may share this existence with you. What if everyone else that watched this video did the same thing with the characters. Your thoughts and my thoughts are manifestations or realities even though we can feel them or touch them. The more people that know them by that name and description the more people that create them into being. We control the environment. We can change the channel.
We exist and I know you exist Even if I haven't met you. I still am here with you because there is proof in this. You are reading this and I wrote it. We are both here in this world. Maybe some people aren't psychic they are just more in tune with the probability of actions maybe they can figure it out and see things differently. It is always nice to get more people working on something. People do the same routines but on different levels of involvement and understanding. We all are basically trying to do the same thing. Exist and understand the reason for our existence. It is baffeling and time-consuming. But one day you might finally realize what you needed to know. You have all these people that you met and helped you get to that understanding or level. They all built that and are all apart of what you call YOU. But in another respect you can also make things up as you go along. Give it a name. It will exist. Think it up. Make it. Create it. Believe it. Or build it. That is the key to existence. Existence is what you personally make it.
I have watched many family members stop existing because of some disease and they were doing fine until they found out about it. Then they are given a bunch of literature as part of the process of information to tell them what illness they have (that they never new before and was not bothered by) but now they look for all these symptoms and start becoming the illness. Then they are given this therapy to fix it. And they believe everything is fixed because of this medicine. Then you have the ones that everything is going well but the doctor keeps telling you you aren't going to make it. Then they listen to the doctor and there family knows too and they give up. But things were going well until they gave up. Friends and family members usually give up on them. They go around sharing grievances before its time and living each day like it is there last. No one knows which day is there last. I don't care how psychic they are. Maybe their readings come true because the individual that received them believe the message and make it manifest. I refuse to give up. So I believe that people can change anything they set their mind too. There are things that happen that no one can predict. I don't blame it on karma and I can look to my past and learn from the mistakes. I know this world is built on patterns. The same crap that happened during the Bronze age is the same crap that is going on today. There are just different levels and forms of crap.
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The more people who believe in a particular theory. The more it will grow in power as the numbers of people adding to the belief consensus. Because of this, the popular theory or belief will reflected in our universe or global or group consciousness. The more people who look for possibilities the better. But we can also do this on a singular level too. within our own world. We can't be expected to help save the universe if we can't master our own life. But to who's standard to we use as a guide. To whoms rules do we adhere to. I understand the problem of the previous civilizations. Well as much as I can from my level of understanding. I understand that stuff happens because people have become subservient to thinking that this is just how it is and there is nothing that they can do. People want a guide book. They want a map plotted out for them but who should be the map maker. There are so many levels of exploration. WE have charted most of the physical meridians and lines but there is so much more that remains a mystery. To master these levels we have to look to new heights and channels to open up those experiences. In the past there have been many forms of this experience. These shifts in consciousness. It is part of the evolution and I am so greatful to be a witness to it. But there will be as many ups and downs as we believe there will be. It can be as hard or easy as we make it. I think everyone should write the script to their own lives. If more people try to come up with solutions we will find a resolution to all of the problems besides war and Unforseen events. If we believe we can make our problems disappear, maybe we can but we have to make an effort to direct the energy or do we even have to do anything at all?