I'm notorious for procrastination, but I was pretty sad to realise I haven't posted photos here in a while! I was looking through my photos since the last time I posted, and I'm amassed a nice collection. Unfortunately, there were almost fifty photos, so I decided to split it into two posts, spring and summer. It worked quite nicely since there are about twenty-five photos in each. :) This, then, is the spring post!
Actually, most of these will look pretty random. They're taken on various excursions around Seattle, mostly. :)
PEACE. Deluxe junk!
Shopping; a lovely shade of yellow.
I love this shade of green.
A flower I could not resist; taken as the afternoon wound down, so pretty dark.
SAM, the moving statue (sort of) guarding the city's museum.
A rather intersting exhibit! Real cars ...
Pike's Place always has lovely flowers. My favourites. :)
A cup o' tea at the Seattle Central Library.
At a Mariner's Game!
Bright, bright lights.
Another one of those random convenience runs.
Getting dark now, always does at night.
Again, couldn't resist. Milkily pretty. :)
After running across a bridge about to raise itself. >.>
Swear that I didn't mean to get him ... but a lovely afternoon sipping iced tea.
Almost to the Golden Gardens, a beach.
It was a lovely day for flowers, what can I say?
Not half bad, taste-wise. ;)
I shouldn't bring along my camera when I study for finals, it's a bit distracting. >.>
The summer post will come along sometime soon! :D