ive just seen something thats made me so depressed about how i look.
not depressed from anything someones done. just depressed of myself generally.
i hate that i dont look very good alot of the time.
i try to do things about it but nothing seems to work.
i dont want to look vile forever.
surgery seems the best option but i cant afford it. its so horrid.
if i had alot more money things would be alot different and i wouldnt look a mess.
yes this is a pathetic entry. but its a journal and thats what they are for.
fuck it really.
i really need to learn to accept myself alot more.if only it were that simple.
im very accepting of all my friends and the people i know...they are all beautiful in different ways.
i just wish i could feel like that too sometimes.
also itd be nice not to feel mental and on edge most the times.
i hate that im pretty much the ugly girl in our house.shane always tells me otherwise and thats so sweet of him.
but i dont know... i wish i could feel like that just now and then.
doesnt feel too fair that alot of people who are fairly attractive but have very very ugly personalities seem to feel beautiful and unashamed of their looks when there are much more lovely people about that need/want to feel that way.
im not too sure about this post.its too negative but thats the way it is i suppose.
it can only get better and if i manage to sort myself out... well then i will get to feel lovely for a while.