sometimes, he does make a good point..

Jul 08, 2004 18:16

Be careful when you wrestle with monsters, lest you thereby become one. For, if you stare long enough into the abyss, the abyss also stares into you.

-- Friedrich Nietsche

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Comments 6

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syntheticfix July 8 2004, 21:45:54 UTC
it's one of the few of his that i consider astoundingly true and significant. the man's crazy.. but has said a few amazing things.


shnarfer July 9 2004, 06:01:32 UTC
yea, sometimes


syntheticfix July 9 2004, 17:47:09 UTC
funny how the majority of what he says is total bull.. but the valid points he makes are pure ingenious works of art.


cacadoodie July 9 2004, 18:14:21 UTC
Dam wait...where are we ? are we in a swamp ? a dark cave ? This is scary...

:-) :-)


Good Ole Friedrich ferreson July 13 2004, 03:12:09 UTC
In honesty, I never get Nietsche. Like his name, its all confusing. I'm like "what the fuh?" Maybe its too poetic for my mind.


anonymous July 13 2004, 08:41:02 UTC
"On the morning of January 3, 1889, while in Turin, Nietzsche experienced a mental breakdown which left him an invalid for the rest of his life. Upon witnessing a horse being whipped by a coachman at the Piazza Carlo Alberto, Nietzsche threw his arms around the horse's neck and collapsed, never to return to full sanity."


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