Things are decent... I guess I can't complain too much... (haha).
Update on things?
Working at Hot Topic is pretty effing nifty. I really enjoy working with the people there, it's a group of very eclectic people... though, I'm pretty much the only person who listens to electronic/goth/industrial music avidly... which is one of the factors in their hiring me, if I haven't already mentioned that already. Haha.
Haven't been making nearly enough hours to live off of. It sucks. As it stands right now, we're waiting for my pay check from tomorrow so that we can pay our SUPER LATE rent. I've got half of it set aside with Mollie's[
molekid] mother, but the other half is my ENTIRE check from tomorrow. I don't know how we're going to keep our heads above the water for the next two weeks. *sigh* (Not to mention, I was sick one day on the check I'm getting tomorrow, AND they sent me home the following day because I was still sick. They didn't want me in the store at all........ GODDAMN IT... I needed those two days... that's 15 hours I could have gotten paid for, but didn't. *cry*)
Mollie hasn't found employment yet, which really sucks. 'Cause that second paycheck would come in super handy right about now, lol.
As things stand, Richie's[
pixiek15s] not been in touch with me, much at all. He sent me a message on myspace, but didn't really say much. Go figure.........
The storage unit is back to it's shitty status. Mostly because once we got it paid off last time (August), we didn't have a vehicle to properly transport everything... so it's about to be auctioned off again. WOO HOO. And this time there's no if-ands-or-buts about it, it's gonna be gone..... oh how I just rejoice in the fact that I'm going to lose all of my shit. It hasn't really settled in my mind yet... but when it does... oh my. Bleh.
I have to call Happy Boxes (the unit) tomorrow to talk to them. They've been blowing up the phone since we got it turned back on this week (thanks to Mollie's mom for turning it back on, woo hoo!), leaving me bitchy messages.... as if they don't know the entire situation! *sigh* Whatever. Life sucks. I guess things could always be worse. (I'm not even going to imagine how else it could become worse.)
I'm annoyed and stressed out financially (surprise), because whenever I get paid, the entire check gets consumed by bills. I need to get off of my fat ass and go to social services, so that I can have some food stamps issued to me. It's ludicrous that I'm still paying for groceries, when I know I'm fully eligible to get food stamps. BLAHHHHH. Not to mention, I've still got to pay back some good friends for helping me out back in August (you know who you are, Ma'm! *heart*), and I haven't been able to do ANYTHING. I'm going to start tearing my hair out. OMG.
We still don't officially have internet at home, but we've found another new signal to pick up on, and it's barely more reliable than the previous signal... so... here's hoping I'll get to make this post!
Fucking... I feel like I'm just... writing out of bitterness.
There ARE good things going on in my life, there are just far too many bad things happening in and around my life that drown my good stuff........ :/
I don't think I've mentioned one of my newer friends,
Blane. I met Blane through Brandon, one of Mollie's pals from back when she was going to Chowan College (back before it was a University... oh-ho-ho!). He's super nifty. He and Brandon have been dating for a few months now, and I totally love Blane :) A week ago, Blane had Jaz and I help him bleach his tips, and he let me have the remaining bleach, so I FINALLY got to do my roots, OMGOMGOMG... granted, my hair is NOT the color I'd like it to be, at VERY least, my roots aren't that nasty natural color of mine... lol... god I hate my natural hair color!!!! :(
I've also been reunited with an old friend, Jaz[
jazlynmadrox]... back when I was still working for Michael's, I ran into her, and she has been a regular here at our house. I'm so happy to have her back in my life, and it's even cooler now because... well... she and Mollie have so many things in common, the three of us can always have fun together :) Even if we're just sitting around, doing... nothing :x
Blaaah. Hummm... I've been debating about the idea of getting a second job. I've even toyed with the idea of waiting tables, so that I can get some instant gratification money-wise... but I truly don't think that my body (aka, my shitty ol' back) can handle it. When I used to wait tables... it was pretty terrible in the pain department. Blah. I have to talk to my manager about what types of businesses are considered "competitors" to Hot Topic... because if I wanted to get a second retail job... I can't work for any competitors. I don't know whether or not Claire's falls under that category or not... I'm hoping not, simply because I want to try to get a second job there. I'm just not sure that when I'll be looking for a second job (once the new year rolls in), that they'll be needing any help. But simultaneously, my hours at Hot Topic WILL diminish, and we're going to have to have some more of an income for the sake of our survival.
Christmas this year is ultra-crappy. I've spent maybe a grand total of $7 (from 3 different checks) on some presents, and haven't been able to get things for the people I'd like to....... Meh. I've gotten Mollie one thing, Nana gave me something to give to my mom, I've gotten a shirt for Mollie's mom (it was a $1 on Halloween clearance from Wal-Mart, woo hoo)... and Jaz fucking... she accidentally SAW the necklace we had gotten for her for xmas on the night of her birthday celebration... so I said "fuck it" and just let her have it early). I don't know what to do for my dad, I've been wanting to get him a Bass Pro Shop gift card for a couple of years now, because I think that's something that he'd LOVE, because truth be told, he knows I don't know what on earth to buy him relating to hunting/fishing... and buying clothes for him isn't really an option. Not to mention, that man has enough clothes! LoL. My mom is the ultra-sale shopper. She knows how to find some good deals. :)
Per the usual, I don't have anything interesting to say.
I'll spare you all any more of my incessant noise for the moment, and give you some picture fun-times... :D Everyone loves pictures, yay!
These pictures are from... uhhh... this past Saturday night. Mollie, Jaz, Blane, Brandon and I went out to the (seemingly ONLY?) gay club in this area... the club has... QUITE the name...
Great American Mining Company of New Guinea Inc.
Mad thanks to Mister Blane 'cause without him Mollie and I wouldn't have been able to go. (Even though he doesn't have an LJ....) ... THANK YOU FOR TREATING US TO A NIGHT OUT BLANE ... that evening rocked so hard :D
[chillin before going out to the club ^_^]
[/pam & teh pritty lights :3]
[the boys... Brandon's got his back to the camera, and Blane's the boy whose face you can see ^_^]
[a brilliant f0t0 my bay bay took of me :D]
[Jazzington and I doin it like it's been goin outta styyyyyle xD]
[my beeb ^_^]
[I just really liked the superfluous fountain on the patio at the club, LoL...]
[o mai! lookit mah hooooooge hurr :x]
[the crew... jaz took the pic]
[we be best friends ^_^]
[a rainbow shat on me!]
Mollie and I gotta head outta the house to put some gas into the gas tank, get some fucking cigarettes (OMG... I'm so done with cigarettes... seriously... and I'm having an annoying time cutting back/and/or quitting... STRESS LEVELS=TOO HIGH OMG!), and head out to Pine Tops to visit our pal jaz....
I am prolly going to dink around online there tonight 'cause we're spending the night, then coming back in the morning to get our over-due rent paid. *sigh*...
Anyhoo. Hope all is well in everyone's worlds... I hope to update more regularly... but...
you know how that goes
ps: random update I forgot that's super exciting/important... about a week ago, we found what is seemingly a BRAND NEW mattress and box spring by the dumpsters at our apartment... we gathered everyone who was at our place together to move 'em.... (Maverick -- our neighbor, Blane, and Brandon), and we put that shit up in our apartment. There aren't any stains, it was EXTREMELY light -- as if it hadn't really even been used... it has NO wear and tear on it. I know it sounds gross and unappealing because it was out by the dumpsters, but you have no idea how horrible it's been with sleeping on the floor (our second air mattress died)... both our backs have been awful... but now they're HAPPIER backs due to the mattress... omgomgomg... I am so glee:full about this mattress ^_^