Taken from
Ten Favorite Characters of the Year: TV and books
1. Brad Townsend (Thoroughbred)
2. Eric Northman (True Blood)
3. Tami Taylor (FNL)
4. Tim Riggins (FNL)
5. Katniss Everdeen (Hunger Games)
6. Britta Perry (Community)
7. Damon Salvatore (The Vampire Diaries)
8. Peeta Mellark (Hunger Games)
9. Adelle DeWitt (Dollhouse)
10. Laurence Dominic (Dollhouse)
Ten Favorite Ships of the Year:
1. Brad/Ashleigh (Thoroughbred) Until the end of time, you guys.
2. Julie/Matt (FNL)
3. DeWitt/Dominic (Dollhouse)
4. Hermione/Draco (Harry Potter)
5. Puck/Rachel (Glee)
6. Britta/Jeff (Community)
7. Eric/Sookie (True Blood)
8. Peeta/Katniss (Hunger Games)
9. Damon/Elena (The Vampire Diaries)
10. Alec/Max (Dark Angel)
Ten Favorite Non-Romantic Pairs of the Year
1. Tim Riggins/Billy Riggins (FNL)
2. Rachel/Kurt (Glee)
3. Jay/Phil (Modern Family)
4. Damon/Caroline (TVD)
5. Jack/Liz (30 Rock)
6. Troy/Abed (Community)
7. Alex/Haley (Modern Family)
8. Castle/everyone (Castle)
9. Dean/Cas (Supernatural)
10. Damon/Stefan (TVD)
Three Favourite TV shows of the Year:
1. Friday Night Lights
2. Glee
2. Community
Your favourite book read this year:
The Hunger Games. Winter's Bone is a close, close second.
Your favourite album or song to listen to this year:
Let's just say Florence + The Machine to all of it.
Your favourite LJ community of the year:
het_reccers I enjoy letting others find the fic for me.
First Fandom of the year:
Dollhouse. Although I lurked through there, the fics were amazing and the show was just awesome in January right before it ended.
Your best new fandom discovery of the year:
Meh, I don't really participate in fandom. I would say Glee, but there is way too much cattiness in that group. Although I finally decided to plunge into Harry Potter, although I don't think that's really a discovery. It's kind of the axis of fandom at large.
Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year:
Supernatural's fandom routinely disappoints me. Although there are several authors who produce(d) lovely stories.
Your biggest squee moments of the year:
Any time Rachel and Puck had screen time together. Dominic on Dollhouse.
Favourite main character of the year:
Tim Riggins. Here is why: The Odyssey. Tim starts out in college, doing the thing no one in his family has ever done, and just gets up during his professor's lecture about Odysseus and strolls out of there with no intention of returning. He literally throws all of his college books out the window of his truck on his way back to Dillon and only returns to his brother, who isn't too pleased he's there, and his pregnant sister-in-law. They get into a fist fight while they're painting the baby room. It's awesome. Then there's the chop shop and his platonic, yet strained, relationship with Becky and his earnest insistence to do the right thing and be an adult. FNL season four was just brilliant, and Tim's journey home was the best story on television.
Favourite villain of the year:
Can I say Damon Salvatore? I started The Vampire Diaries this year, so technically I'm still on season one and he's all evil with a squishy center. Given that my favorite antagonists have squishy centers (Brad Townsend, Draco Malfoy), this is kind of the obvious choice.
Favourite het couple of the year:
Rachel/Puck. This might come as a surprise, but I love her righteous indignation and ridiculous work ethic combined with this lackadaisical smart ass mouth. it's like candy.
Favourite femslash couple of the year:
I...don't even have an answer to this.
Favourite slash couple of the year:
Mitchell/Cam, Modern Family. I love them like cake.
Fandom that you never expected to get into:
Harry Potter.
Fandom that made an unexpected comeback:
Uh, every time I feel the urge to write another Thoroughbred fic, I think to myself whyyyy? Why doesn't this impulse just die already?
Fandom that inspired the most crack:
Thoroughbred. It's the only fandom I write for. It's all crack fic.
Last fandom of the year:
Harry Potter.
Overall fandoms of the year:
Dollhouse, Community, FNL, Harry Potter, Thoroughbred, Dollhouse, Supernatural and Hunger Games. Plus plenty of others.
Your main fandom of the year:
My main fandom of the year is always Thoroughbred. But I spent more time drowning in Dollhouse, Supernatural, and Harry Potter fic.
The most missed of your old fandoms:
I miss Thoroughbred.
Predictions for next year:
Probably I will keep on cruising around in Harry Potter until I become too exhausted to read fic. Then I'll move on to something else. Thoroughbred will always be in the background, waiting for the mood to strike again. It always does.