Title: The Loneliest Dwarf Planet In The Sky
Rating: K+
Warnings: Sadness.
Summary: Pluto isn't a planet anymore.
Notes: Wrote this in May of last year, while commenting on a blog post by my friend Michelle, which was filled with icons about Pluto not being a planet anymore.
Poor Pluto. Revolving around the sun, yelling at all the other planets, "Hey, guys! I... I can still hang with you, right? Just 'cause I'm not a planet anymore doesn't mean we can't be friends, right?"
And they all look at each other, and then back at him, and he can see the rejection in their eyes. "Sorry, man. I mean, you know, you're nice and all, but... maybe there are some other... non-planets orbiting the sun that you can hang with. I bet you have a lot in common!" Uranus says, trying to let down the smaller planet easily.
Pluto turns in despair. No one sees the Lone Teardrop falling on his face.
"Poor kid. Wish he were a planet still. He had good stories." Earth says, shaking his head. An earthquake results, sending a tsunami towards Japan. Screams are heard. "Oh, my bad."
Jupiter lets out a sad sigh. "I wish I could give him a hug."
"He'd probably get lost beneath your atmosphere, though." Saturn replies. "And my hug would probably hurt him."
The Sun looks on, never saying a word, and only Mercury, who is closest, can see the sad flashes of light on his face.
Venus sighs as well. "He was so nice. Never minded being the farthest out, either."
"Yeah. Never minded being the smallest." Mars shakes his head. A speckle of green can be seen on his surface. The aliens are setting out on another mission. An asteroid is seen passing too close, and, with a laser beam, they destroy it easily. "Nice hit, guys."
Neptune has nothing to say. Pluto and Neptune were friends. Neptune was closer to Pluto was than the others, anyways. The older planet was always there to listen to his smaller friend's questions. "How come you're bigger? Is it warmer closer to the Sun? When will I get more moons?"
And now, Pluto was on his own. Neptune shook his head in sadness, wishing his friend the best.
Pluto: the loneliest non-planet in the sky.