Title: The Pottermore Network
Fandom: The Social Network
Characters: Eduardo/Mark pairing, Dustin, and Chris.
Rating: T
Warnings: I have no idea. I'll ask Kelly. WARNING: A WILD DUSTIN APPEARS.
Spoilers: Uh... The Social Network? I think?
Summary: Mark hacks into Pottermore to see what house he's in. Dissatisfied with the results, he crashes the site,
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Comments 4
My fav are the Gryffindor and the Slyterin one ;)
*me too much lazy to remember the name of the houses in eng*
BTW the part with the decoration of Mark's office is fantastic *__*
I thought it was super interesting that the Slytherin version was the one where him and Eduardo were the most happy together. Or like, the most established. I dunno why that pleased me SO much, but it totally did.
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