Title: All Is Fleeting, But All Is Good (Or: If You Give a Little Love, You Can Get a Little Love of Your Own)
Fandom: The Social Network
Characters: Eduardo/Mark.
Rating: T
Warnings: It may be confusing?
Spoilers: All of The Social Network.
Summary: The story of The Social Network and after, in a different way.
Notes: Written for the TSN-a-thon. Since I
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Comments 5
Seriously, what would I do without you?
...suffer, probably. :D <3
But seriously, this was really sweet and also a very unique idea, and you carried it out well. I especially like this line: And the thread is spun and wound and the story begins to weave itself up, blue on white on Gap-hoodie gray and Bambi-eyed brown. It’s a good quilt to drape over their bed at the end of the night, a lifetime of regret and love later. So sweet! ♥
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