Player Info
Name: Freya
LJ Screen Name:
katya_kovskiAge: 17
Character Info
Name: Roy Mustang
From: Fullmetal Alchemist
LJ Account:
ruledbyleoAge: 24
Magie or Non-Magie?: Magie
Occupation (optional): Military. At the age of 24, he holds the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.
Personality: Calm, confident and laid back, Roy Mustang is one who knows how to speak in public situations and interact with those of a higher authority than himself, precisely the reasons he has already come so far along his chosen career path. Although he hates paperwork and has no interest in the menial desk-job tasks involved, he enjoys working within the Syriucian Military as it offers him the space and resources to further his preferred branch of magic; Alchemy. He is analytically-minded with little patience for superstition. He is not as indoctrinated into the Congregation as most, possibly due to his rural upbringing and foreign parentage, yet he knows well enough to keep any of his more outrageous beliefs to himself and indeed, he holds a certain fondness for the religion which has always been so much a part of his everyday life.
Sexually, he prefers not to define himself. He has an easy grace and natural flirtatiousness which never ceases to make him popular and he loves women, chasing women, teasing women, flirting with women, making out with women and to a lesser extent, being slapped by women, but he also has a decided weakness for his childhood friend, Maes Hughes. He would never admit it, as he knows full-well nothing would come of it (Maes, he maintains, has been broody since he knew what his genitals were for), but sometimes he can't help but wonder...
He is currently in a steady relationship with a feisty woman two years younger than him. She has just started working as a secretary for a governmental official, and gives the strong impression she picked that career at random. She is highly intelligent and a good match for Roy in that respect, but lacks motivation and application; the only thing that seems to inspire her is her magic and the perpetual (and often downright dangerous) experimentation she carries out in her free time.
Background: Roy Mustang has had a reasonably peaceful life. Born in the rural outskirts of Syriuci to an immigrant couple, his childhood was a happy one. He never wanted for affection or attention and his parents fed his sharp, often distasterously-inquisitive mind from an early age (whilst fighting continually to keep the matches out of his reach). Consequently, he developed a firm love of books. He also developed an interest in natural science and chemistry which matured as he did.
At school he recieved instruction on his own magic and during his teens he went on to explore alchemy, a hybrid of sorts between science and magic. This became his main interest and motivation in life; it prompted him to attend an officer training academy once he left school, and to take up a position within the Syriucian Military in order to gain the opportunity to further his study of it.
Throughout his childhood, teenage years and academy days, his best friend, Maes Hughes, has stayed at his side. Yet Roy is certain his own sentiments- which amount to a crush spanning most of his adolescent and adult life- are not reciprocted. The two are still very close, although they don't spend as much time together as they used to before Roy and his current girlfriend became an item.
Roy tends to live in the present and is currently perfectly content to take each day as it arrives. His laid-back nature means he doesn't concern himself too much with the future, something that runs quite against the grain of the Congregation. As far as he's concerned, if he's where he is now (bar a few promotions) in twenty years' time, he'll be happy.