Feb 05, 2008 02:42

Because I'm always awake at 3am in the morning. But not really.

Player Info
Name: Kat
LJ Screen Name: amongst_thine
Age: LEGAL YAY *SHOT* Er--18

Character Info
Name: Kirika Yuumura
From: Noir
LJ Account:
Age: 15
Magie or Non-Magie?: Non-magie
Occupation (optional): Student; assassin/bounty hunter for hire

Personality: Kirika is quiet and withdrawn, almost always seen staring into space and showing little-to-no expression. She is awkward in most social situations since she doesn't know how to react to certain things and as such tends to avoid people in general. Not to say she won't go out and socialize with people - it'll just take a lot of prodding from said person to do so. This isn't to say she's a bad person. She displays empathy and cares for people and sometimes cries after completing missions over the people she is forced to kill.

She's skilled in first aid in terms of field dressings to a near-perfect degree and, ironically so, a professional assassin of the highest order. Despite being so young, she holds an onslaught of unconscious memories and skills - all of which related to combat and assassination. She can do these things with a cold, unthinking ease and has a flawless record in terms of this. Not to mention anything no matter how mundane can be a weapon in her hands - forks, cards, broken sunglasses, and a 14-cm long throwing knife in close combat just for examples - and is sometimes commented on that her work is too vulgar.

Kirika is fond of cats and goes out of her way to take care of any strays that show up near her house - feeding them, bringing them inside when it rains, taking care of injuries, etc. She does this in place of having one as a pet, considering she has to leave to different places often to take care of "jobs" and often brings home souvenirs for no other reason she can give except she wants to. She often spends her time sitting around and doing landscapes or portraits in charcoal in a sketchbook she got as a present from someone in her organization. She's also good at cooking and sometimes sings when she's feeling morose.

Background: Kirika used to live in a far-away nation, ruled behind the scenes by an organization known only as Les Soldats. Very few people even know of their existence and even less what they truly entail. The phenomena known as "Les Soldats" is only recognized by the public as a state of mind moreso than a real entity - the desire to protect the weak and purify the world of sin by taking the sins of the world onto oneself.

That is the foundation of Les Soldats. They are infiltrated in every aspect of their country and still have considerable influence in many others. Weeding themselves into every corrupt aspect of the world and slowly take over it completely before destroying it - taking their sins into themselves and then purging it. However, for nearly a thousand years they have not made their presence known aside for Noir.

Every generation there are two women raised explicitly by the highest orders in order to become Noir. The two hands of Les Soldats used to do the darker half of their ideals - namely the purging of sin by removing the sinners. Kirika and Chloe were the two chosen for this and stripped of their original names to be raised by a nun named Altena, who raised them to believe in the statement "if love can kill, then hatred can save".

While Chloe remained in the mansion to be raised in a conditioned environment, Kirika was sent into the world where she stayed with another woman and another assassin known as Mirelle Bouquet and remained there until she was granted permission to leave the country on the condition she still did the biddings of Les Soldats.

Upon agreeing, Kirika became an illegal immigrant to Syriuci but with documents so well-forged that no one would know the difference unless doing an excessive in-depth search. She supposedly lives with her parents who are never in the country due to their jobs, though in truth they never really existed. She still attends school and gets average grades in everything except PE-related activities, which she excels in greatly (for obvious reasons). However, she is known to be marked absent for days or weeks at a time under the guise of visiting her parents.

She's gotten away with it for almost two years with no questions asked. ...So far, anyway.
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