Let's see if I've got this right...

Feb 05, 2008 22:46

Ugh. I am so sorry about these multiple posts. LJ doesn't seem to like me much tonight~

Player Info
Name: Emily
LJ Screen Name: vera_chan
Age: 18 (19 in two weeks, yay!)

Character Info
Name: Hisoka Kurosaki
From: Yami no Matsuei (Descendants of Darkness)
LJ Account: standoffishboy
Age: 17
Magie or Non-Magie?: Magie
Occupation (optional): Student, part time work at a local bookstore

Personality: As his username suggests, Hisoka comes off as an incredibly unsocial, and standoffish person - reserved to the point of coldness. The reason for this, however, is tied into trust issues that he's developed and his empathy, which he hasn't learned to control yet. Despite first impressions, Hisoka cares deeply for the few friends that he has, and exercises a passion for books of all types. Furthermore, while his health leaves much to be desired, Hisoka counters his lack of physical strength with a sharp intelligence and deductive skills.

Background: Hisoka was born outside of Syriuci to a very strict and traditional family that didn't understand his abilities and saw him as a monster for them. Whenever he was caught using his abilities, he was locked in a cellar. Needless to say, Hisoka didn't exactly have the best childhood. To make matters worse, when he was thirteen, he witnessed a murder and was raped, followed by a grueling three more years of fighting with a life-threatening illness. Even after getting over his sickness, scars linger on his skin, visible somedays and completely absent on others.

Once he was healthy again, he made the decision to runaway, coming to Syriuci on his own to start a new, independent life. For a year he's been living at the edge of the city, attending school and working at a local bookshop in order to support himself.

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