Player Info
Name: Samantha
LJ Screen Name:
kurinoki Age: F-fourteen. D: *Practically a baby.* But I'll be fifteen in a few weeks.
Character Info
Name: Gokudera Hayato (That's last name first, for the record.)
From: Katekyo Hitman REBORN!
LJ Account:
righthandbomb Age: Fourteen.
Magie or Non-Magie?: Non-Magie.
Occupation (optional): Student, albeit not a very good one. (In the sense that he skips. Often.)
Personality: Gokudera Hayato (known more commonly as simply Gokudera) has wisdom far beyond his years. It's too bad he rarely shows it.
He's the kind of boy that acts as tough as he can because that's how he's learned to stay alive. He's the kind of boy that shoves away all of his feelings because heck, who needs burdens like that?
Gokudera is smart and excels at all things academic. It's a shame he doesn't care about school, because he might really become known for something if he put effort into it.
He's a drifter and a loner, and doesn't like showing people his weaknesses. It's people who let their weaknesses show, he figures, that come out last.
Secretly, Gokudera yearns for acceptance. But he's too busy pushing away everyone that offers it.
Background: Gokudera was born into a wealthy family. Well, halfway born into a wealthy family, considering it was his father that had all of the wealth. His mother was not his father's wife. He was born an accident. A mistake. And was treated as such, receiving looks of distaste from intelligent acquaintances of his father's that realized; "Oh, that child doesn't look purely Italian at all." (He's 3/4 Italian from his father's side, and 1/4 Japanese from his mother's.) However, to avoid humiliation, Gokudera's mother was taken away and privately killed and Gokudera was declared a child of his father and his father's wife.
He lived a particularly dull life as a child, being forced to perform in piano recitals to impress his father's colleagues.
If it's stereotypical for all wealthy children to have an evil relative, Gokudera's own personal evil relative was his half-sister Bianchi. Bianchi tormented Gokudera when they were growing up, and because of it Gokudera developed a deep hate for her. He still holds that grudge, years later.
When he was seven, Gokudera learned the truth about his birth and death of his true mother, and lashed out at his father and his father's wife, running away from home shortly after.
Since he escaped the mansion, he's been travelling to wherever his feet take him. Maybe one day, he'll find somewhere he belongs.