H-hi~ Yay I'm new

Jun 10, 2008 14:27

Player Info
Name: Ketsuban
LJ Screen Name: ketsuban
Age: 21

Character Info
Name: Scieszka
From: Fullmetal Alchemist
LJ Account: hasitmemorized
Age: 18
Magie or Non-Magie?: Barely a magie; she can remember, verbatim, anything she's ever read and recall the most miniscule details of any image she's seen, but those are the extent of her powers.
Occupation: A military cadet, working in the investigations department of the police force.

Personality: At first glance, Scieszka is a quiet, mousy sort of girl. Her passion is for books; once she picks one up she can't put it down until she's finished reading it. Therefore, one might dismiss her as an average shy and nervous bookworm. There's another side to her, though; she can get a bit too into the fiction she reads. She's convinced there are aliens and other such creatures in the world, though one would have to get pretty close to her for her to spout these theories off.

When not distracted by her books, Scieszka is a sweet and caring person, if a bit prone to spazz fits. She has a fierce dedication to any task she's put herself to and won't quit until she's finished it. She tends to keep to herself in life and at work, but once one has made friends with her, she's kind and loyal through and through.


Scieszka grew up in Azanus with only her single mother raising her -- her father had died when she was very young. Her mother became sick when Scieszka was a teenager; magic could take care of the symptoms, but not whatever the underlying cause was. Her mother became unable to work, and so Scieszka took a job at a library to support her. Sadly, within a month she was fired because she spent all her time reading and didn't actually do any work.

Luckily, help came in the form of a regular guest at the library. The anonymous person was a member of the police force's investigations department and had noticed Scieszka's uncanny photographic memory. Realizing how useful such a skill could be, that person managed to assist her in getting a job in the investigations department. Finally, she could put her skills to good use, and she was working in an environment where she wouldn't be distracted by the merchandise.
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