Hello. It's been a long time since I've seen someone with an interest in Utena! I remember that anime being enjoyable, if a bit odd. ^^ I'm new to Norristown and just looking for friends. Would you mind if I added you? I consent to agree to the above stipulations under pain of castration and public humiliation.
Hey there... This is Shannon (Kimi). Brandon wanted me to send you a message and let you know where to go to sign up for PodcampNYC. http://www.podcampnyc.org/register-for-podcamp-nyc/ go and register. :) Make sure to send soulhuntre@soulhuntre.com info about what you can do regurding the video taping and when you plan to be there and when you are avilable to do it. :) Thanks. If you need anything feel free to email me at kimiko@kimiko-dreams.com
Hey - I know it's none of my business, or anything - but I've been reading the comments over in the goth_macros community, and I just want to say, I can't *believe* how badly you were being treated over there. You're absolutely in the right, and you've got so much class compared to those morons. That people were defending a man who continually called you n****r to your face blows my mind. I know it's weird having a total stranger show up on your journal, but after reading that thread I was so gobsmacked I wanted to say *something*.
thanks for your concern...it shows the prejudice THEY harbor for harshing me, i am so disgusted more by their complicit attitude than by his outright ignorance. fuck em. and again thank you.
Hey girl! I'm finally on line, but I don't know what the fuck I'm doing! Lost my cookies. Can I get new ones? (Trying to get my Utena & Tabris wall paper back.) U look b-u-t-full in da dress! Cool pick of young Anthy. Don't know f I'm going to Shampoo tomorrow. I'll c how it goes! Almost 3a, & I'm gonna try to hit da hey early! C-ya! ^-^ Robyn
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