Best episode of House M.D. ever

May 14, 2008 18:33

The latest one (as of this week).
"House's Head" Episode 15. Season 4.

The build up of the plot was amazing. House in a bar with retrograde amnesia. I loved how the dynamics between his conscious and subconscious was portrayed in this episode. The gorgeous woman who kept appearing in his 'hallucinations'. The red scarf and the pervading urge to tie it to her. Bursting out 'Stay with me.' I was not able to guess at all that those were the links to the dying person he is trying to save but can't remember.

In the midst of amnesia, a feeling in the gut was all he had. It was severely important. And although, with no supporting recollection, house worked it out, as if literally grappling in the dark. And of course, the means at which he grappled was not so unlike house, that is -- a bit crazy and really pushing it to the edge. The medical hypnosis to access the lost memory was okay. Apparently, the shortest way of accessing it is via the prefrontal cortex. I don't actually get how that works but I sure am very interested. Sniffling through the clothes of the victims of the bus accident was funny, but it did make sense. House mentioned, well the script mentioned that smell is the most powerful invoker of memory. Among the faint neuroanatomy knowledge hiding in the murky, abandoned not to mention stagnating recesses of my brain, I think I knew this. Haha. The recreation of the bus scene -- a manner to stimulate his hippocampal and perihippocampal cortex (yeah..), was taking it to the next level and gobbling up 2 tabs of alzheimer drugs to stimulate his brain that stopped his heart was really just crazy. But again, so not unlike house.

I just find it funny that at the end of the episode, after he walked off of the accident that he led himself to a bar with a stripper performing less than a meter away which was how the episode began.

Now, more than ever do I feel a very scholastic urge of picking up my neuroanatomy book and stop not studying. Hahaha. :)
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