
Silliness for a Monday Afternoon

Oct 29, 2007 12:01

Just a silly little scene that was rampaging though my head yesterday while I was on my double shift. Featuring the Doctor and Team Torchwood. Set in a world where Lucy didn't shoot the Master.

Title: The Doctor's Visit
Author: szm
Spoiler: End of doctor who series three, general Torchwood spoilers

Summary:The Doctor was now responsible for keeping the Master out of trouble. With the Master on the TARDIS he was limited to which places he could go. Soon he was bored. However maybe visiting Jack had been a bad idea.

The Doctor was now responsible for keeping the Master out of trouble. With the Master on the TARDIS he was limited to which places he could go. Soon he was bored. However maybe visiting Jack had been a bad idea.


Jack really had to fight the urge to laugh. The Doctor was furious and hadn’t stopped for breath in… well if he’d been human he’d have passed out by now. Ianto was just standing there, face completely impassive. The others were standing behind Ianto with various depths of scowls gracing their faces.

“Look,” interrupted Owen finally, “I don’t know what your so pissed about, teaboy missed.”

A brief fickler of annoyance passed over Ianto’s features at that and he turned to Owen. “I’ve told you before, when I hit someone in the shoulder; it means I was aiming for the shoulder. I wasn’t trying to kill him.”

“I should think not!” replied the Doctor.

Owen rolled his eyes. “Why not?” he asked Ianto.

Ianto gave a long suffering sigh. “The Master's a time lord. He’d just regenerate; a process which I’m given to believe would be likely to make a large mess. Then I would have to shoot him again.”

Owen gave Ianto a grudging nod and the Doctor just stared in horror.

“So you maimed him rather than killing him because it was less messy!”

Ianto levelled the stop-being-such-a-drama-queen look at the Doctor. The one that Jack was far more used to being aimed at him. “I hardly maimed him. I merely incapacitated him long enough for us to get him into a cell.”

“And it’s only because of Tosh that he’s in the cell next to Janet and not the cell with Janet,” added Owen, crossing his arms across his chest and glaring

The Doctor looked at Jack confused. “Janet’s a weevil, a feral alien” Jack explained.

“Well at least one of you is reasonable,” huffed the Doctor.

“I would never put a living thing though that,” said Tosh softly, the Doctor smiled at her. “Janet doesn’t deserve it.”

The Doctors smile fell from his face. He turned to Jack. “I thought you said this lot were different to Torchwood One?”

Jack opened his mouth to speak but Ianto beat him too it. “Really? Why don’t you tell us about Torchwood One,” he said brightly, smiling widely.

Jack quickly slapped a hand over the Doctors mouth and looked at Ianto sternly. “Ianto, no.” He turned his eyes to the Doctor. “Why don’t we just agree that topic’s off limits, okay?”

The Doctor nodded under Jack’s hand and Jack removed it. The others had moved slightly closer towards Ianto while Ianto and the Doctor glared at each other.

Jack decided that now was the time to take control of the situation. “Gwen?” he asked. “Why don’t you tell us what this is all about?”

Gwen glanced at Ianto and stepped forward. “We don’t know what happened while you were gone,” she started softly, “only what you told us. About the Master taking over the world and the Doctor rewinding time. But we know that you were a prisoner for most of that year. And you…” she trailed off unable to find the right words.

“You flinch now,” continued Ianto. “At little things, like the power cable that got lose last week. And you haven’t been up on the roof since you got back. We knew something had happened, so we asked Martha.”

“Well, we did get her drunk first,” interrupted Owen. “She told us what that bastard put you through. And we decided that we officially don’t like him much.”

“You shot him and locked him up because of what he did to me?” asked Jack, touched beyond words.

“He hurt you,” said Tosh simply.

“I know what happened with Abbadon,” interrupted the Doctor. He pointed to Owen. “You shot him.”

“So?” asked Owen in his best why-are-you-such-a-moron? voice.

“So, no-one allowed to hurt Jack unless you’re the ones doing it?”

Owen looked round at the others. “Yep, that about covers it.”

The others nodded in agreement, and Jack had to stifle his laughter at the Doctor’s expression with his hand. When he’d gotten control of himself he said. “Right then you lot back to work. Doc, you’re welcome to stay but your guest stays in the TARDIS or in the cell. Ianto, about shooting the Master…”

Jack paused and waited until everyone was looking at him.

“Nice shot. But next time aim lower.”

doctor - ten, kinda silly, ianto jones, toshiko sato, gwen cooper, torchwood, fiction, fandom, owen harper, doctor who, jack harkness

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