I AM SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW FOR NO REASON WHATSOEVER. WAIT, I think I'm on a HUGE HP high right now because I'm practically floating. Have you seen this fandom?! IT HAS ANYTHING YOU COULD POSSIBLY WANT EVER. If you suddenly decide one day that you want to read a totally obscure HP pairing/threesome/foursome/tensome, THE ONE YOU ARE THINKING OF HAS A 90
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Comments 10
i like him in robin hood! teehee!
"I'll cut your heart out with a spoon!"
"Why a spoon my lord?"
"Because it will hurt more!!!"
And have you ever noticed how many crack!fics there are about Truth or Dare games gone kinky? There are too many of them out there! It's like, for every Seamus/Hermione fic (and the weird thing is, there are a lot of those) there is a kinky T or D ficlet. The fandom can get a little too wonky at times.
I love PoA. The whole Sirius factor just kills me because I loveth him so. Go forth and read!
HAH! I've seen SOO many Truth or Dare trio fics were they end up having a bunch of sex. And apparently everyone gets REALLY HORNY when they're drunk. Everyone. Everytime.
TOO WONKY, YES. Especially the ones where Harry has a foursome with his dead father, dead Sirius and Remus. LAWL. Sex with his FATHER is wrong enough, but they have to take it that extra mile. (Or extra 239 miles.)
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