I was planning on writing about that as well because I do recognize that the caps thing adds more emphasis, but since I already did a thing about emphasis, I thought adding that would be too much. >.
Oh, yes. That's fine then. Also, there's this weird thing how all the supposedly intellectual people sometimes talk in all caps because they feel like they don't have to try as hard, that they're confident in their intellectual-ness or something. But I don't know if you could actually find sources for that, or if it's just in online fandoms or something. So that's all. :D
Comments 5
One comment... I think you want to change "keyboard is riht next" to "keyboard is right next".
Hey, if you included a section on capslockers, that'd be cool, too. BECAUSE I DO THAT A LOT LATELY. But if not, still cool. I likies.
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