things we didn't need to know about monkey, yay!

Jan 19, 2007 00:51

1. What time is it?
12.11 am

2. Full name:
Alicia Helen Mary Nesbitt

3. Whens your birthdate?:
April 14 1985

4. Piercings:

5. What is the most recent movie you saw at the cinema?
Snakes on a Plane

6. Who would you most want to meet?
Kurt Cobain.

7. Place of birth:
Medicine Hat

8. Ever been to India?

9. Ever been toilet papering?

10. Ever loved someone so much it made you cry?

11. Ever been in a car accident?

12. Croutons or bacon bits:

13. Favorite day of the week?
Friday, lol.

14. Favorite Restaurant?
Mango Shiva

15. Favorite flower?
Sweet Peas

16. Favorite sport to watch?

17. Favorite Drink?

18. Favorite Ice Cream(s)?
Cotton Candy

19. Disney or Warner Brothers?:
WB is less evil. ...just by a little.

20. Favorite Fast Food Restaurant?
Opa. Or grody Maccers food.

21. What color is your bedroom carpet?

22. How many times did you fail your drivers license?
haven't taken it...

23. Do you even have a drivers license?
lol, nope

24.Before this one, who did you get your last e-mail from?
Matthew again! and before that, Jay.

25. Usual Bedtime?
somewhere between 10 pm and 3 am.

26. Who will respond to this e-mail the quickest?
no one, since I'm not sending it to anyone, yay!

27. Who is most likely NOT to respond to this e-mail?
....see above.

28. Whose responses are you most curious about?

29. Favorite tv show(s)?:
Full Metal Alchemist and Bleach

30. Favorite color?:
Grey. Specifically, 919191 or lighter.

31. How many tattoos do you have:
none. but I'm always debating...

32. How many pets do you have?
1 cat :D

33. Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
chicken. who else would incubate the egg?

34. One thing in life you most want to do?
travel more.

35. Which part of your body do you like the best?
probably my eyes. they change colour.

36. What do you do on your spare time?
gaming, singing, drinking...making pretty things on computers :D

37. What is the last book you read?
something shakespeare

38. Do you color your hair?
All the time!

39. Favorite Holiday?
Halloween. Or if that doesn't count, Thanksgiving.

40. What is your nickname?
Monkey :D

41. Chinese food or Pizza?
Pizza :D:D:D

42. Whose your Favorite actor?
Callum Keith Rennie

43. Why do you do these surveys?
I like to put them on LJ. lol!

44. Who is your best friend?
used to be Ziggy. Then it was Shay. I dunno bout now...

45. Do you pick up hitch hickers?
lol. That'd be funny...piggy-backing a hitchhiker...

46. What did you want to be when you were a child?:
a zoo keeper :D

47. Place you would like to visit most?
for the first time: Europe, especially Scotland, England, and Russia.
Again: Macau, China.

48. if you could choose one place to live where would it be?
Probably China.

49. If the person you cared most for in the world killed someone, would you help them cover it up or would you turn them in?
depends on a few things. Like how old the person was (child, deffinitely turn-inable) and if they were an asshole.

50. Dance Dance?
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