I know we haven't spoken in a while.

Nov 05, 2008 08:55

Its not that I have nothing to say its that I so often have to much. There's a lot going on in the world right now. My life has been fairly stable lately but most of my plans and schemes have been put on hold while I sort out a revised grand timetable.

A) Florida and California I'm ashamed of you. Don't ask for my leniency when you need it.

B) Japan, just when I'm fed up with your Xenephobia, WWII Atrocity denial and Otaku culture, you find a way to make me love you all over again. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/science/article5058011.ece

C) More things in this world are decided by your impression than by actual facts. I loath this but it is true. http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20080924-does-ideology-trump-facts-studies-say-it-often-does.html

D) When are we, as a society, going to grow the fuck up? We still suffer from ancient taboos. Who wants to guess what percentage of Americans think walking under a ladder really causes bad luck? We still lack introspection. We still substitute rhetoric for actual thought. Please humanity, just ask yourself questions. Why do I believe this? Do I really feel this way or do I just think that I should? Start with those and continue down that path. If you do maybe the world will be an alright place.

E) I have been wondering about something lately. It seems to me that new technologies are emerging that can make people far more self sufficient. One day we will easily meet our household power needs through solar energy. We may even be able to power our cars without outside energy purchases. New technologies are emerging that may result in us being able to manufacture most household items and repair parts from home "maker units." In addition there are coming technologies of virtual diagnosis being made unmanned medical stations and medicines being another thing that our "maker units" could produce. If we find ourselves needing less outside items and what effect will this likely have on the economy? It is fully conceivable that within 50 years you could live completely self sustained very comfortably. If a large enough percentage does so then what? I'm not sure if pure capitalism will even be a sustainable idea in 100 years do to the fact that there doesn't have to be a zero sum style theory applied to resources if certain technologies pan out, technically there's a limit but it be high enough not to be a practicle concern. No one can see the future. I'm just theorizing based on technologies that exist today, some in their infancy others coming now into their maturity. I would be interested in your opinions and thoughts. Also no matter how easily we can manufacture our own goods we will still need other peoples intellectual properties, blue prints, formulas, etc.. If today is any measure there will be enough open source to deal with most things though and as always it will depend on cultural concepts such as the importance of material goods, etc..

F) I still plan to rule you all though you will never know I'm the one in charge.

That is all.

addendum Links:
Here are articles I have lately found of interest.
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