I got drug around the mall by my sister today for three hours.
She bought one pair of shoes.
Three hours... for one pair of shoes.
I am not related to this girl!
Anyway... I went to see Otep and Static-X on tuesday night... it was pretty cool.
The opening band was Infekt or Inflikt or some crap like that, it was some local band and they were not very good. I know there must be a few good local bands here, but I have not been very successful in finding them so far. The next band was In Vitro who I'd never heard of before, but they were pretty damn good. They came on the stage in aluminum foil masks and the singer dude had an LED in the middle of his forehead. It was good, but it was a red one, and obviously, it would've been better if it had been blue. And then Otep came on, which was the band I pretty much bought the ticket for.
Please allow me a moment to gush over this guy's drumset. If you do not give a crap about drums, you can probably skip this next paragraph.
He had this cherry red Yamaha double bass set... I am kind of a sucker for Yamaha drums. To emphasize this point, he had custom nameplates and crap, so it didn't actually say "Yamaha" anywhere on it, I just recognized it by the hardware. Well, Yamaha's hardware is fucking sweet, so I take no shame in that. His cymbals were Alchemy, which I'd actually never heard of before, but I was in love with the things by soundcheck. Pretty much the first thing I do when a band sets up is try and figure out what kind of drums they're using, maybe I am a freak, but this is one of my favorite things to do at shows. Music videos too, but a lot of times in music videos you can't really tell. Anyway... Otep's drummer's set was the only one that really struck me. Of course, he was also the only one playing Yamaha. Those freaking cymbals, though. I am going to have to research that brand, because those cymbals both looked and sounded gorgeous.
Anyway... Otep was really good but they only played like a 40 minute set, and they didn't play all that many songs because she kept on making speeches and then taking her sweet time changing her hat between every song. I know they're kind of a political band or whatever, but seeing as how I couldn't actually tell what she was saying most of the time, I kind of wish they had just not wasted so much time talking and played some more music. They did play Warhead, which was pretty badass. The only thing is I would have really liked to hear TRIC. One of the new songs sounded pretty kickass, so that's at least one good song off their new album... not sure when it comes out, but I reckon I'll buy it. I wasn't expecting much from Static-X, because I only have their first two albums and I've heard they aren't nearly as good anymore, but they played a lot of crap off of Wisconsin Death Trip. I think they're back to their original lineup, so I guess it makes sense that they would play some older crap. And a few of the new songs were pretty great as well... they played Love Dump, which is pretty much my favorite song by them, and the only one I was really hoping for.
I was up in the front row for the first three bands, but even though I tried to stand near the middle of the stage, I got gradually shoved outward and by the time Static-X came on I had gotten shoved in front of the speakers, and since I didn't want to go deaf I went and watched from the back. It was a pretty small theater, so even from the back, you can see pretty well. Besides, I was getting my ass kicked at the front (they try to pack WAY too many people in that little venue, so it gets really crowded and I get squished), to the extent that I couldn't see what was going on on the stage 3 feet in front of me. There are some bands I will take being hit in the head repeatedly for an hour for. Static-X is not one of them. Besides... after Otep finished, some girl squeezed in next to me, thereby seperating me from the cute guy I was previously being squished into. I'm sure some of you guys will disagree with me, but being sandwiched between two girls is not really my idea of a good time.
Also, the other day, some guy told me I kind of looked like MJ from spiderman (at least, I think that's what he said, my ears were still kind of ringing that day). To this I say WTF. But at least it wasn't Uma Thurman.