Likes:Animals, sleeping, coffee, manga, anime, books, reading, writings, my cat, daydreaming,,hanging out with friends,making people laugh,literature,astronomy,icons,rainbows,book stores.
Dislikes::discrimination, being stressed, intolerance,being bothered, liars,close-minded people, waiting, slow internet connection,ignorance,being ignored,spiders,embarrassing situations, bugs
Strong points:
1. Honest: I always say what I think when I think it. I will tell you directly when I disagree with you, i can't really understand why people talk behind others back instead of saying it in their faces
2.Fair: I'm fair with everyone,no matter who they are, and i believe oin giving people a fair chance before judging them, also I like to be treated the way I treat people
3. Loyal: I'm a very loyal person and I would never betray my friends/my family.
4. Passionate: I am passionate and I am intense, I put a lot of energy into the issues I believe in!
5. Curious : I'm curious, and I always get up and investigate
Weak points:
1. Brutally honest: I always say what I think when I think it, sometimes i can be brutally honest.I'm sharp tongued and I say what I have to say
2. Lazy: i am lazy, lazy, lazy and I procrastinate all the time.
3. Impulsive: Extremely impulsive as i am i always act and then think. I really rush into things without thinking and get into trouble for it
4. Stubborn: Sometimes i can be sooo stubborn! Probably because I don't like being open to the possibility that I could be wrong and I'm not very good at changing my mind.
5. Pessimistic: i'm pessimistic, and i always see the worst side of things.Yes, the glass is half empty for me.
Hobbies:videogames, tennis, books, movies, music
Talents:uhm music?
Future goals?: travel around the world
Favorite color?:orange, because it's such an happy color, but I also like very much red and purple
Favorite movie? Why?: uhm probably the prestige, because I liked the story and the characters
Favorite saying/quote?:if you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun
Any pets (tell us about them!)?:yeees! I have a beautiful and lazy cat, she is a female and she is about 8 years old. I think she's very intelligent and hilarious
Hyper or calm?: hyper
Optimistic or Pessimistic?:pessimistic, I always see the worse side of things
Impulsive or cautious?: impulsive, I always act and then think
Mature or Immature?:It depends on who I'm with. Immature most of the time ( especially when I'm with my friends) but I can be mature when the situation calls for it
Touchy feely or not?:Touchy feely with people that i am intimate with
Leader or follower?: leader, I don't like being told what to do
If you were an animal, what animal would you be, and why?::my friends always say that if i were an animal i would be a cat, probably because i'm as lazy as my cat XD
Who's your favorite T-Ara member (tell us why or just fangirl/boy)?:Eunjung, because she's cute
Who's your least favorite T-Ara member (please be considerate, all members have fans)?:none.I like them all
What’s your favorite T-Ara pairing (if you have one)?: I haven't really thought of one.
If you could be a T-Ara member for a day, which member would you be? Why?: I thgink it would be funny to be Hyomin
You're walking along the street when a stranger hugs you from behind. What happens next?:SCREAM!! or hug back <3
It's Saturday night. You have no obligations, a pocket full of cash, and time to kill. Where can you be found?: cinema, disco or just hanging out with my friends
You’ve been called on to be an actor/actress in a TV drama. What kind of drama/what genre of drama would you want to do? Why?: everything but an horror <.<
Pictures of yourself (optional): //