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Comments 8

jasonbeast May 22 2010, 22:10:55 UTC
How cute! I saw those all the time when we were out west, I don't think we have 'em here.


ta_laitha May 22 2010, 22:21:34 UTC
The house finch is in most of the US. You have them down where you are too. :)


jasonbeast May 22 2010, 22:23:00 UTC
Heh ... I don't see them around, anymore. Guess I'm either not paying enough attention, or I'm not in the right place at the right time!


ta_laitha May 22 2010, 22:28:08 UTC
Or both. They are a very skittish bird so it is possible they are flying before you see them. However they have a very distinctive flight call and song.


fabricdragon May 22 2010, 22:57:23 UTC

you take good pictures, btw


ta_laitha May 22 2010, 23:05:59 UTC
Thanks. It's more a quantity thing. I never leave home without my camera and take lots of pictures. XD


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