Title: You've got Something on your Face
Genre: Mild mild Fluff
Characters: Hiruma x Mamori
Spoilers: Well I threw in a doodle I did on Suzuna, so if you don't know who she is, then I guess it's mild spoilery XD
Summary: A little scene set after a day of training after school.
Doodles and drabble )
Comments 12
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Comment in the ES21 comm too~ o.o And how do I cross-post?
Which is, of course, my way of saying this is beautiful, in-character, and really, really funny. XD I love the art-with-drabble thing you have here, and the doodles at the end are fun. Mind if I friend? Because, yeah. Need to get with the stalking here. XD;
And yes, crack pairings are love! XD I still have to write something for 30_kisses though ><;;; but school's been a bitch and I need to get my hands ona tablet. Thanks for the comments though, you really boosted my confidance ^^
XD that drabble was so well-written and so in-character LMFAO. CAKE CRUMBS THAT WAS A GENIUS XD
and your doodles are so cute too XD!!!!!!!!!
Little Hiruma and puppy Cereberus (sp? I've only read the Chinese manga so that's how I'm guessing the English name is)
are so adorably sweet it makes my teeth rot.
I love your LJ background too, by the way. XD
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