Nach all den tollen Landschaften und Absonderlichkeiten die die Natur auf der Welt geschaffen hat und die ich schon sehen durfte, fällt es mir direkt ein bisschen schwer zu glauben, dass so unberührte Natur doch auch in unserem Nachbarland zu sehen ist. Würde auch gerne mal dorthin ^^.
*quacks* This is the former white tiger Shalian, now totally transformed into a panduck, of such. Found your LJ while looking for old friends. Hope all is well with you guys (judging by your journal, it is :P) Would be really nice to hear from you again!
Things are going very well here. Dunno exactly what the last you would have heard from me is. Got married to a US. griffn (Swandog) 7 years ago, and living with a full house of her & two kids. Have added you to my LJ list if you'd wanna read my journal :P
Do you have an email ( stupid quetion really), that I can reach you on? mine is ... you could just send it there.
Oh yah, I've totally converted to be a Mac user. Our two main home computers are macs. Used mac at work too, but I had to throw in the towel and get a PC, since MacOSX does not have good java support. :(
Comments 4
Nach all den tollen Landschaften und Absonderlichkeiten die die Natur auf der Welt geschaffen hat und die ich schon sehen durfte, fällt es mir direkt ein bisschen schwer zu glauben, dass so unberührte Natur doch auch in unserem Nachbarland zu sehen ist.
Würde auch gerne mal dorthin ^^.
Old friends, indeed, we haven't spoken in ages! Yes, all is well - and I hope the same goes for you?
Do you have an email ( stupid quetion really), that I can reach you on? mine is ... you could just send it there.
Oh yah, I've totally converted to be a Mac user. Our two main home computers are macs. Used mac at work too, but I had to throw in the towel and get a PC, since MacOSX does not have good java support. :(
Anyway, take care, write more :P
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