Anybody want to start this again?
Loved the fic and the plunnies from The List so much that my cheeks started to hurt from grinning so much.
Numbers 205 through 226 except 213 is mine.
1.) Via computer worm
2.) A lap dance from a stripper
3.) In a plushie
4.) From Aoko
5.) In a jello mold
6.) On top of Nakamori's socks in his sock drawer
7.) From Nakamori's pipe
8.) Done in cross stitch
9.) A float in a parade
10.) Written in the dirt on the side of his car
11.) One of those messages that planes pull behind them as they fly
12.) Hidden in the family photo album
13.) A fortune in a fortune cookie
14.) A flag
15.) The musical tone on his cell phone
16. Written in frosting on a cake.
17. On top of a pizza (delivered by Kuroba Kaito!)
18. Skywriting.
19. At an award show.
20.Written on the face of a sleeping Nakamori.
21. Written on the face of a sleeping Aoko.
22. Graffiti'ed all over Tokyo Tower.
23) Written in ketchup on Nakamori's lunch
24) Written in steam on the bathroom mirror (then it'll appear the next time someone takes a hot shower!)
25) TV commercial
26) Written on Hakuba's face (probably in permanent marker)
27) On the menu in Nakamori-keibu's favorite restaurant
28) Big banner in the Taskforce's office
29) Spelled out in Christmas lights (doesn't have to be Christmas, though...)
30) Slipped into Aoko's homework
31) In a donut (*snickers* Sorry, Keibu, but that's not jelly filling...)
32) AIM or MSN Messanger
33) The display board at a baseball game
34) Hot air balloon!! ("stealing" a page from Saint Tail, as it were ^_^)
35) Card delivered with a flower bouquet for some occasion
36) A lawyer serves Keibu with the note "on behalf of his client"
37) Alphabet soup (don't know how, but I'm sure he could figure out a way)
38) News bulletin
39) Dyed into Hakuba's hair
40) Answers to a Crossword Puzzle
41) Heist note Ice Sculpture
42) Through on of "Sleeping Kogouro"'s trances
43.) On one of those free tissues they had out to advertise things (borrowing that from Matantei Loki Ragnorak).
44.) Tucked in with his paycheck.
45.) In a box of chocolates.
46.) A preview during a movie.
47.) On a projector screen (so when the pull it down, there it is)
48.) As transparency for an overhead.
49.) As a prize in his box of cereal.
50.) With a lawn gnome.
51.) With a cheap plastic flamingo.
52.) As a song on a CD.
53.) As a voice mail.
54.) The keys on his keyboard rearranged to spell it out.
55.) Window paint on his office window.
56.) On a mousepad.
57.) Hanging on a hanger in his closet.
58) Provide tickets to the heist.
59) Call in to Nakamori-keibu's fave radio program and give the note over the air.
60) Stuff the department's suggestion box with copies of the note.
61) On a lacy piece of appearal.
62) Through lighting flashes.
63) In a box mailed from the Nakamori house.
64.) Written out by rocks placed on his front lawn.
65.) From the last person Kid stole from.
66.) A song by the latest idol.
67.) Printed on a bottle of sake.
68.) Printed on the bottom of the inside of his coffee mug.
69.) Delivered by a disgruntled Conan.
70.) As one of the sponsers listed after the credits to an anime.As one of the sponsers listed after the credits to an anime. Bonus points if it's a Shonen Sunday or Gosho series.
71) Replace Nakamori's lighter with a tighly folded heist note.
72) Change Nakamori-keibu's computer to Blue Screen of Death with the note.
73) Delivered by a cos-player.
74) On the dedication page of Kudo Yuusake's newest Night Baron book.
75) On a t-shirt in Nakamori-keibu's size.
76.) On a postcard.
77.) Written on the bottom of his shoe.
78.) His police badge replaced with a notice.
79.) As the prize in a King Cake!
80.) Light reflected from a disco ball.
81.) As the lyrics on the TV screen during kareoke.
82) With Aoko's homework assignments.
83) Temporarly tatooed on Nakamori-keibu's chest.
84) In the clean, just-out-of-the-dryer laundry.
85) In a box of conversation hearts.
86) Written on the ceiling of the Keibu's office.
87) In Morse Code, via the lights in the Police Station.
88) Delivered by Kuroba Tochi!
89) Written in alphabet magnets on Nakamori's fridge.
90) In Nakamori's wedding invitation for Aoko's wedding. ^^;;
91) By singing Detective Boys
92) Written on Aoko's underware, so Kaito has an excuse to look
93) By Kaito's mother
94) By stripper, who turns out to be Kaito
95) By Can-Can dancers
96) By MIME
97) Charades
98) By either Yukiko or Hakuba's mum
99) Ooh! On those brite lite boards, that you poke and then a message appears, all clorful...
100) In the middle of a bad magician's act
101) By people holding up signs during a baseball game.
102) A photo montage (like one of those things where they take a lot of photos and use them to make a portrait of someone)
103) Glued to his ceiling above his bed.
104) On the receipt for his groceries.
105) Tucked in the police file on KID.
106) Write it on Nakamori's calender/schedule
107) Tie it to a goat's neck (ya know, a kid...*headdesks*)
108) Post-It Notes--lots of 'em. With one word of the riddle on each note, stuck aaaaall over the office!!
109) Make a movie of him acting/reading/singing/miming/interpreta
tive dancing it, and replace Nakamori's favorite video with it...
110) ...or just interpretive dance, period ^^;;
111) Fireworks! Everyone likes fireworks!
112) Have a marching band spell it out on the field
113) Have it scroll across the bottom of the TV screen, like a weather warning, during Nakamori's favorite show
114) Stuck into our favorite Inspector's pipe
115) Shadow-puppets
116) On Nakamori's Monthly Bills117) Subtitles on the Numa Numa Dance
118) In a magazine advertisment
117) Said by the priest in a wedding that Nakamori attended. (Disguised by KID - it could be during Aoko's wedding too.) ;D
118) Using the language of flowers and 'written' into a bouqet.
119) Smoke Signals.
120) Wrapping paper for a present for Nakamori.
121) In a package of Girl Scout cookies.
122) In a bottle of headache medicine.
123) In soap, on the back window of Nakamori's car.
124) Page the keibu in a store with the note.
125) As Nakamori's New Year's fortune.
126) Call Nakamori's office and leave the note as a message on his answering machine.
127) Delivered via toy train.
128) Radio controlled flying toy carrying the note. (Bonus if it looks like a mini-kaitou.)
129) Message in a bottle
130) By Puzzle, like in YGO
131) By an author/fangurl here in the community(Maybe even Icka) livejournal
132) Appear as a guest on a talk show and announce it there
133) Personal ads in the newspaper
134) Striptease, with the heist written on his body... (nope, no fangirls here ^^;;)
135) In a poetry club, complete with bongos and a beret (*snap snap snap*)
136) Written on Kaito's face (it's been on everyone else's, why not his too?)
137) Send them a CD with his new hit single: The Twelve Days of Stealing, and each stanza is a clue
138) Paper airplanes
139) "This message will self-destruct in"
140) Write it with thumbtacks on the office bulletin board
141) Send Aoko a pair of those sweatpants with *ahem* writing on the butt...
142) Hire a random person to wear the aforementioned sweatpants-with-writing-on-the-butt and walk into Nakamori's office and...well, bend over (that one is from Kelly, I hold no responsibility!!)
143) Make T-shirts!
144) Cheerleaders (Give me a K! Give me an A! Give me an I! etc.)
145) Create a website:
146) Billboard
147) Change the subtitles on Nakamori's favorite foreign movie
148) Put out a newsletter
149) Draw it instead of write it
150) Sign language151) Delivered by a female Kitsune. (Yukiko!)
152) Dress Sir Stinky in the heist note.
153) Write the note in a patch of frost on Nakamori-keibu's window. In the middle of summer. (Helped by Yuki-no-onna Ran.)
154) Have Kazuha-neko deliver it.
155) Write the note on the toe tag for one of the murders that follow Conan around.
156) In lipstick on Nakamori-keibu's mirror.
157) Lead Nakamori and Co on a chase that spells out the next heist when plotted on a map.
158) Write the note on celling in one corner of Nakamori's office.
159) Delivered inside the pr0n box.
160) In a collection of Sherringford Holmes, Sherlock Holmes, Arsene Lupin, and Ellery Queen novels.
161) Delivered by Akako's winged, fire-breathing cat.
162) Set to the Pink Panther theme music.
163) Delivered by a Pirate or Ninja, with Keiko's gold frog on the note.
164) Sitting in plain sight in the middle of the blood bank.
165) Delivered by a mere-person.
166) Written on the conference room dry-erase board, in time delay ink.
167) Written on the conference room dry-erase board while the Task Force is having a "Catch-the-Kid" brainstorming session.
168) Inside plastic Easter Eggs.
169) Delivered with the loafer Were-Heiji chewed up.
170) As a set of Russian nesting dolls.
171) At the Policemen's ball.
172) Mown into Nakamori's yard.
173) Via a flip-book.
174) Delivered by Ai.
175) Heist note as a baby's mobile.
176) Spelled out in Jello letters.
177) Written on the side of a candle.
178) Delivered by another kaitou.
179) Prank phone-calls containing the heist details.
180) Delivered to the Police station by "Nakamori-keibu" on Halloween.
181. Tattooed across Nakamori's back while under the influence of sleep-gas.
182. Delivered by the Kid while wearing a Spider-Man costume and swinging on webs.
183. Skywriting...
184. 10,000 leaflets dumped all over the city with identical notes on 'em ALL, and which spontaneously go "POOF!" after being held in human hands for more than five minutes.
185. Spraypainted across the poor Keibu's car in neon green.
186. Written in lipstick. Across the INSIDE of Nakamori's office window.
187. Spelled out via chalk-powder on the nearest sports-arena field. Really BIG note, you know?
188. Sushi. Written on sushi, very carefully, using red fish-roe (ikura). It'd take him a while to nerve himself up to it, though.
189) A hologram.
190) Written on the Task Force's office decorations.
191) Make heist note pins and put one on every member of the Task Force.
192) Provide a diorama of the heist.
193) Yodeling.
194) Announces it on the news while disguised as one of the anchors.
195) Announces it on the news while disguised as the weatherman, taking the time to point out the location.
196) Replaces the chorus on one of Nakamori's favorite songs
197) As a handmade children's book, complete with 'see Kid, see Kid get jewel...'
198) Written on a handkerchief given to Nakamori to blow his nose on
199) Answers on a crossword puzzle
200) Note taped to Nakamori's back, right under the 'Kick Me' part
201) Carved into a pumpkin, with a pumpkin pie as an accessory/gift for the Task Force
202) Stuffed into the mouths of some tied up trespassing thieves
203) Spotlight with the Kid caricature (think batman) pointed at a building
204) Treasure map.
206.)connect the dots
207.)toothbrushes and toothpaste when somebody gets a tooth ache
208.)l33t (Got this from fic some time back.)
209.)a party table with food on saying the heist
210.)scavenger hunt on the internet
211.)the music note code from the detective Conan series you know the guy pretending to be a girl
212.)a picture frame with the heist note etched on it
puppet show delivery of heist note(213 on The List) From the story
215.)you know how on beer cans they have these little messages somewhere on them instead of that the heist
216.)on the bottom of a donuts box
217.)on the entire back of the building of the heist location
220.)artpad can be found at waldo find my heist note.
223.)a yaoi manga with the heist note in it on varies pages hidden in the bubbles and its KaiShin they are dating in this and the world knows it
224.)on the wrapper of halls pep talk coughdrops
225.)a faux love letter to hakuba
226.)spread catnip and have cats spell it out (this came from a fic some where as well.)
227.) in a bento
228.) spelled out by bath bubbles
229 .)on candy hearts at Valentine's
230) On commemorative wine glasses
231) By macaroni art (which KID's son or the Shonen Tantei helped glue)
232) As the words in a spelling competition at Teitan Elementary
233) By trained monkey, complete with Fez
234) By the pattern of ice forming on the Task Force's office windows
235) Through telepathy (because I can't picture how Osmoses would work)
236) In Ran's underwear drawer (and Conan will kill him if Mouri doesn't get there first)
237) On a record with the most important clues revealed when played in reverse
238) Through what appear to be 'alien transmissions' from outer space
239) Delivered by Kamen Yaiba
240) Via Christmas Carolers at Aoko's annual Christmas party
241) In Nakamori-Keibu's horoscope
242) A batch of chocolate-chip cookies with the words of the note written in chocolate chips.
243) Flag signals.
244) A snowman on Nakamori's front lawn holding the note in one hand. (Bonus points if it's in the middle of summer!)
245) In Nakamori's coffee tin.
246) Rolled up in Nakamori's cigarette box.
247) In Nakamori's dishwasher, just after a load of dishes.
248) In duct tape on Nakamori's ceiling.
249) Through a lolcat. (I'm in ur museumz. Steelin' ur gemz.)
250) via Kabuki play.
Also posted at manycases1truth.